Chapter # 26

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Zayn's P.O.V:

"No I wanna go home!"

"Maha you are not perfectly alright now you need to stay here more!"

"I am fed up of the hospital environment!"

"Maha that is better for your!"

"I don't understand the point when I can walk properly!"

She stood up and showed him walk and only when she was half way when she couldn't maintain the balance and I stepped closer to her to stop falling. I took her body back in my arms and helped her sit on the bed again.

"Only when Zayn's around!"

"Not necessary!" She said as soon as she maintained her balance.

"I didn't expect a reply that earlier!" He said and smiled.

"Well we were not talking about this I need to go back home and I am going back as soon as possible infect tomorrow and that is it!"

"You know what you are the most annoying patient I ever had!"

"I thought I was only one who felt that!" I murmured loud enough that both of them could hear.

"Leave that I guess she can get better care at home...!" I directed towards him now but was interrupted in between.

"Excuse me I wanna talk about that!"

She took so long to process my words I was actually expecting a reaction quite earlier.

"Shut up!" he shouted and she sat back as a child sits when he is insulted badly.

"Like what is the big deal and you can come for the normal checkup maybe daily!"

"But only if you remain at home taking holidays from your work!"

"I don't need any one to take my care I can do that myself!"

"Unfortunately you need!" He patted on her face.


I looked back at her who was already smiling a victorious smile looking at the opposite direction and if she looked at me with the same smile her smile would have fade away and a rigid expression would have conquered her face.

"I guess you should take some rest!"

I said and she followed that was quite surprising infect shocking. Surely you can never judge her. The most weird girl with queer mood swings. I remain standing there looking at the girl lying in front of me on the bed with the cutest smile I ever had. No doubt I have always been a fan of her beauty.


I entered the house coming back from the office. The doctor was right these days are going to be tough and tiring for me if I bought her back to home. I have to pay attention to her and I also have to go to the office for some time but still I need to maintain a check and balance at the office too. I went to the room to see her. She was sitting at the bed, her back towards me. She couldn't feel my arrival as I made no sound.

"Sir I need your signature!"

The door was opened and my PA entered the room. Maha looked back confirming mypresence. She stood up instantly and went to the terrace, it was raining outside. She stood with her hands at the realing of the terrace holding it tight. I stood in an opposite direction to her and looked at her.

"Their are some people in life who can differentiatebetween tears and rain drops!"


"I mean I can differentiate between your tears and rain drops!"

I said wiping away her tears and a moment of silence passed.

"No you can't unfortunately you can't, you can't Zayn Ahmed!"

She said and went inside the room crying. I followed her almost running.

"That's not always the way you think!"

"Yahi to sara masla he nothing is the way I ever thought...Agr wesa hota jesa mein ne soocha tha to I would have never been with you I would have been with someone else...!"

"I am sorry for all that I have ever done to you! but I never did it by choice!"

"That was the world's most funniest joke ever Zayn Ahmed!"

"Once you asked me to stay away from me and today I am asking you to do that so please be as away as you can be!"

She said and went to the washroom leaving me in a regret again.

"I made her cry once again!"Shit I did it once again!

I waited for her but after some moment I realized that i am doing nothing than just wasting my time because she is never gonna come out until I am standing here.

Maha's P.O.V:

I don't know what he wants from me now? I never knew what he wanted from me. When he has given me all the pain after he has taken my he is regreting! Is the need to regret now? Isn't it late to regret now? I really want to kill him but I know I can't not because I loved him or something but because I don't have a hard heart that will allow me to kill him. I wish I ever had that guts to show him how much I hate him for ruining my life taking away all I had. Making my people doubt on me. And most of all showing me the actual faces of people. I wish I could go back and delete him from my life. I came out of the washroom and saw him not there that actually make my body calm down.

"I wish I could run as far as possible from him or pain him as he did once to me!'


Hello people how was the chapter? I tried my level best to make it the most amazing one in itself.

OK coming towards the point your feedback is not seeming that happening to me I need all of you to comment at each and every chapter of the book or otherwise I will give the late updates short chapters or if you won't give me as required feedback I will give loads of author notes instead of chapters. I write the chapters as I am eager to read your comments and If I won't get them how will I be able to write. So please be good audience!

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