Chapter # 8

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Sorry for all kind of errors that you encounter during reading the chapter. I am a human after all.
Maha's P.O.V:
"What is the problem with him what is the reason keeping me in a hotel for no reason all night long?"
"If i could do anything!"
He dialed a number and brought his phone to his ears but he did not pick up the phone. He again tried but failed.
"I guess he is sleeping..."
Oh he is sleeping...How can sleep taking away all the peace from someone's life?
"That is weird he does not sleep that early....."
Is that early that is already five of the morning. He tried again and this time he picked the phone. He asked for the permission of letting me go. How queer it sounds I need permission from anyone else. And he allowed me.
Why did he keep me here?
He took me to the car and drove me to the house with the same protocol he bought me here. I kept consoling and relaxing myself. I did not want my parents to get worried about me or try to do anything against him because now I know his power. After all when I will reach my home everything would back to normal in which there is no Zayn Ahmed and I believe Ali would have sorted things out. This duration of ten hours will became a worst and very long dream for me once I reach home.

After a drive of half an hour we were at my home street and my tears stopped flowing that continuously  about to tell them the directions to my home and they stoop just in front of my house.

They do even know my house!!!

I step out of the car and Ahad said.
"Good bye see you soon then...!"

I wish that I never see you again.

I rang the ball and the guard opened the door immediately. I went inside in the house and got surprised too see the lights of all the house lighted up as if it is 9 A.M. . I went to the T .V lounge and saw all of my family members fully awake. Which was another thing weird.
"Where were you?" Bhai shouted at me me passing me death glares.
"Bhai... I was at.... friend's place!"
I stammered.
He held me in his hands and moved me back and forth and said.
"Why for so long ?"
"Murtaza control yourself...!" dad shrieked from behind.
"No let me ask her that where did she go for so long without telling anyone...!"
"Bhai I told Ali...!"
"Ali ko bataya tha do you think we are fools?jhoot par jhoot Stop telling lies."
Maha's P.O.V:
He completed his sentence and we saw mom falling on the sofa.
"I will talk to you latter don't think we are done here."

He said starring directly looking in my eyes.
What is happening and what has happened?
I rushed to my mom but my dad signaled me to go so I did the same heavy heartedly.
I went to my room and locked myself. Wasn't the kiss fine for today's tears? What as the need of this now? I could not stop my tears and the truth is I did not wanted to. I know that I shouldn't have talked to bhai like that but Zayn Ahmed was not my fault, my kidnap was not my fault the kiss was not my fault. How can my life turn so mean to me?
I just wanted to bury myself somewhere or attempt sucide. Feeling his sour lips still in me, I ran to the washroom the feeling was enough to bring life out of me throwing water on my lips my mouth i wanted to spat out that feeling out of my body. The incident was coming again and again to my mind and I pray this leads to my nervous breakdown. For an instance when my eyes came across my reflection in the mirror.
"Why this happen to me? Why me? Why not someone else?" questions came flashing up my brain.
It felt like someone has thrown me into mess and the only one who did this was Zayn Ahmed. I was crossing one of the most dreadful and the longest nights of my life. I wish I could find hiding place to hide me from the people.

Aysha's P.O.V:
Though the scenario of the house should be worst but it was all normal. Maybe it seemed normal and it is not normal itself but I felt a huge destruction in myself. Loads of questions were coming in my mind.
What will happen now? Is Maha fine? Were is she? Were she was? What about their relationship? Will it have any effect on our relation? Does she know what happened? If yes than what was her reaction?
And lots of more of such types. The only person who can give me the answer of all these questions was Ali so I got of my room and went downstairs. I was surprised to see him sitting him in the T.V lounge watching a football match.

Is he the same person who is responsible for all the chaos that happened? Was he the same person who did that all?

I don't know but my heart does not agree for what he said about in her house. I went near him and found him smiling at the phone.
Yahan koi ghar mein so nahi sakta is k waja se and look at him.

"What are you doing Ali?"
I asked him trying to be normal. We thought that he is very hurt inside and he does not show it. After all all boys are of this type.
"Auntie ko heart attack hoa he...!"
Mom came and gave us the news.
"Beti k harkatein hi aesi thien...!" that was him.
I was shoched at the first place to listen such a sentence from him.
"Will we be going to the hospital?" i asked being the only one anxious.
"Let us see what happens in the morning your dad's decision..."
"Can I go right now?" i asked nervously knowing how impossible that was.
"Alright"Bhai replied.
When I heard this from him it confirmed me my thoughts.
When he has no problem with her sister going out with a mere driver at 6 PM than why does he object his fiancé going out.
He is acting weird.
Good Morning (for those who are reading in the morning)
I hope you like the chapter. I had no plans of writing a chapter that early but thanks to hamdagohar who asked me to upload.I have nothing else to say. No wait.
If you like my story do comment and vote to tell me whether I should continue to write the story or should I delete it.

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