Chapter # 6

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Maha's P.O.V:
I felt helpless. He was right I can't actually do anything. But the idea of going there without telling any one didn't seem right.
"Can I inform someone?"
He said after a great pause. My fingers scrolled through my contact list and stopped at my brothers name. If I told bhai he will get furious that's better if I tell that to Ali.I know he will handle everything. I messaged him informing about the situation and than asked him not to tell that to bhai.

"No problem I will handle everything you just go and don't take tension there will be nothing wrong!"

His reply made me calm.

"If you are done than give me the phone..."

He said and first I stared than I obeyed.
I got of my car and they showed me the way. After drive of half an hour we were in front on a huge building. That was enormous.
We got into the lift. I was surrounded by guards having loaded guns.

I felt as if I am a prisoner or a terrorists. I found anger boiling in me after a few seconds we were on the twentieth floor where his office is maybe. The office was gigantic. It actually seemed an office of a tycoon. The person eyed me to sit but the boss was nowhere to be seen.
"Good morning sir We have got the girl."

Girl! what a disrespect?"

"Ok I am coming!"
His voice touched my eardrums and I felt enraged.
After a few seconds a man came in front of me.
"Good morning Zayn Ahmed!"
"I don't think the morning is good!"
"Oh calm down miss the anger seems all over your blood!"
"Well Mr.Zayn Ahmed Can you please come to the point because i don't have much time to waste with a freaking nuts."

"Well Miss Maha you know the people who have the power to get whatever they want... I am one of them... You are one of those things that I want under my possession so you are a lucky person indeed!" He said calmly.

"Did you actually called me infect kidnapped me to listen to your bullshit." 

"Could you control your volume please?"

"Sorry but I won't ... I don't behave myself for the people who are not worth behaving...I thought you have a heart that just your employees irritating me but I never thought you are that arrogant person who doesn't. care about anyone! u called me for advertising your imaginative power well than i have already heard much so can i leave? "

"Miss Maha you. are getting out of your limits ... don't force me to show you mine!"

"I thought that was your last limit... so of you are crossing your boundries lemme do the same."
"Do you have any idea what you have done you have kidnapped a girl and you will be punished for that I will make sure that happens!"
Hello Guys!
I hpe you enjoyed the chapter well if uou talk about I enjoyed writting it. I know some of you be curious yo know what happens next so let me tell you that the next part will be quite opposite to your expectations!
Till than continue being curious and if anyone of you forgot to vote rather I will kill you or attempt sucide myself.

PossessionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora