Chapter # 24

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Zayn's P.O.V:

I indirectly asked her to leave. Well that's not what I thought I will be doing when I saw her for the first time neither did I thought that I will marry her but when I decided that I am going to marry her I wanted to marry her to give her all the possible remedies I could gift her but things were never like I thought. I never thought that she will be herself broken when she comes here and I won;t be able to pain her. Though I better know my attitude and my way of discussion towards her is quite disgusting itself but that is better for her own self and that is what I want.

Basically, I want her to be away from me and I know being away from me will give her more peace and happiness. I know myself and my mood swings better so I don't want to hurt her anymore knowing how much I have already ruined her life. Though the sentence that I just said is quite double meaning but she will not be that clever to understand my words. I hope she completely understands that no one of us is good for the other one. I sat at the study table thinking of an appropriate way to make her away from my self. My mind going completely blind I opened my laptop to that application connected to the camera of her room or my room. That was connected there when she came here or when we got married.

My eyes came out when I saw her grounded with blood all around and a gun placed next to her. My mind took a mere second to process what has happened to her. Fuck Fuck Fuck whjat have i actually done. I should have never said that.

"Take out the car fast!"

I ran to her room and took her lifeless body in my arms.

I can't lose her like that.

I shrugged the thought of her death out of my mind and ran to the front door taking her in my arms. The blood made her clothes red. Pressing her forehead to stop the bleeding but all in vain. MY hands were competed filled now. I sat in the car with her head in my lap taking her to the hospital.

"Zayn i have asked you several times to come out of the hard coconut of yours and stop being rude to her but you don't care!" Zara shouted on me.

"How is she right now!"

"You will have to wait a bit. Things are not in your favour now!"

She said and went. I wish I had never said such a double meaning sentence nor I had ruined her life that she thought of getting rid of t. I repent on each and every thing I have ever done to her. But may be that is too late to regret. I wish she has a memory loss and she forgets everything that ever happened to her or that I have ever done to her. This is so childish to think that but I want that to happen.

Zara came out towards me.

"She is all right now and will be in her senses after a few hours or minutes maybe!" She said with a smile on her face.

"Can I meet her!"

Before I could say anything a sound came from my back.

"Yeah but when she shifts to the general ward Sadaf!" she smiled and patted at her cheek and went.

"Who are you?"I asked.

"The pain-sharer of your wife!" She said

"Excuse me!"

"Unfortunately I am your house taker and the third person to bear all those pain you have ever given to her!"

"I have never given pain to her purposely!"

"I wish that it was true!"

"You have no right to talk to me like that!"

"Neither you have to give pain to her like that!"

"I don't think I need to give clarifications to you!"

"Yes you need to give clarifications to her!"

She said and went to sit at the chair. I was actually expecting that from Alina but she is lost from the time she came here. There is something very awkward going on here that is going out of my senses. Have I hurt her to suicide? No I never thought neither I planned that.

"The doctor is calling you sir!"

I stood up and went to the office of the doctor.

"Zayn the bullet passed from her ....!"

"Zara tell me if she is completely alright or not I don't want to get into the details!"

"Okay so the straight forward thing is that she is at an unstable condition if she gets love and attention she will be alright and something hurting again happens to her she is not going to attempt suicide rather she will die herself and rememeber we can't save her every time...!"

"She will have the most unpredictable mood swings and you will handle them with the most care! and don't leave her alone when she is angry or something because she will cry after that anger. She needs love hugs and support. Now to make her alive is your task!"

She said patting my shoulder.


How was the experience reading Zayn's P.O.V after so long? And did you like the chapter? Tell me about your thought while reading this chapter to make me freshen up again before all of my hopes die again!

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