Chapter Three

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As I finally spotted my classroom I was knocked over my someone. My eyes ran over her tight denim shorts and her see-through white shirt outlining her very revealing black bra. Those dark brown eyes and long black hair only brought one person to mind. You could say Lacy is part of the popular group, always having an on and off flings with Chase. She has the looks but not the brains.

"Watch where you're going bitch" She glared at me.

I willed myself to not say a word. Just let it go.

But my mouth had a mind of its own and I couldn't help the words that ran out of my mouth. "Watch were you're going bitch" I mimicked her.

Anger flared in her eyes. "What did you just say ?" She took a threatening step towards me.

"Nothing" I replied innocently landing my eyes on the brunette beside her. "Did you hear me say something?"

She opened her mouth to reply but I instantly answered myself. "No you didn't? Wow you must be hearing things" I told Lacy with a shrug.

I think I have a death wish with her. But everything she was saying took me over the edge.

My eyes flicked to the brunette who whispered something to Lacy and she looked at me over again recognising something.

She cocked her head to the side giving me sympathy. "Avery Blue. I should've know who was behind that smart ass mouth"

I opened my mouth to reply but she beat me to it.

"Oh honey, a new makeover and wardrobe won't ever hide the fact that you're still that same old nerd. Ugly on the inside-" she looked at me up and down "- and on the outside"

I tried to not take it personally. I knew she was roping me in but for some reason it was working. I tried channelling my anger to some good use.

"Oh well, I tried to look like you today and I see I have accomplished that" I said.

"Bitch" she said with a death glare. If looks could kill honey.

"Say that one more time" I dared her.

"Bitch" there it goes again.

I smirked. "That's right, bitches do as told"

I looked over at Lacy who was fuming with anger. Someone should really take some anger management classes. 

"Your just jealous that I'm popular and you're not. Not having a star quarterback as a boyfriend must suck" she fired back.

I have to admit, I was enjoying this.

I gave a small laugh, "Hun nobody wants him, that's why he's with you".

My comment only ticked her off even more and before I could register what was happening, I was roughly pushed to the side, my head making contact with the locker.

"Oh my god what the fuck?!" I rubbed my head in pain as I looked up to see her looking down at me with a smirk.

As if I hadn't received enough attention today, people started crowding around us, no one intervening but instead filming and watching with excitement. There has to be something wrong with this school.

I switched my attention to Lacy who was still smirking as if she's won. Well she asked for it, and I did try to warn her.

I looked at her straight in the eyes. "I would slap you but that would be called animal abuse". The crowd erupted in laughter and cheers.

I barely noticed her fist flying towards me as I moved a little to the left and her hand collided with the locker next to me. She gritted her teeth in pain and sent her other arm flying towards my face. I didn't have time to move out of the way so I grabbed her and she came tumbling down with me.

No matter what, I promised myself I wouldn't hit her. Because it goes against all girl code to hit one another. I could only break that code in dire situations.

She tried punching me but I held down her arms as she tried wiggling her body free. 

She smiled. "You know you looked better as a nerd"

This angered me. I said I wouldn't hit her but I could always have a little fun.

With my free hand I pulled her hair and hoped that she would give up.

Mainly because I did taekwondo for five years and this girls defence was weak. Literally I could knock her out in five seconds.

Every sound and movement in the hallway stopped as a voice boomed throughout the hallway.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?" The principle's voice boomed.

Suddenly I heard someone sobbing and to my surprise it was Lacy. She was crying her eyes out and holding her face in pain, making it look like I slapped her. When in reality, I didn't lay a single finger on her, it was quite the opposite actually.

In between sobs she replied, "She started it... I was minding my own business when she insulted me and started punching me" she continued crying. That lying bitch, fake crying. I mean who would take that crap?

I have to admit, she was a pretty good liar.

I turned my attention to the principle who was looking between Lacy and I and I then realised how bad the situation looked. I was literally holding her down whilst she struggled to get out. I immediately got off her and Lacy wiped away her fake tears whilst more rolled out.

"You-" he pointed at one of Lacy's friends "-Take Lacy to the nurse and you-" he pointed to me "-come with me".

I knew this wasn't going to be good. But he has to see my side, I literally did nothing, maybe a few sarcastic remarks but what she did was much worse.

I was seated at the principal's office waiting to hear my punishment.

"You leave me no choice but to give you detention" the principal said firmly, not giving another thought.

"What?! you actually believe her?" I argued. I can't believe he actually believes her.

He kept staring at me.

"I swear I did not lay a hand on her. I mean I'm the innocent person here. Please look over the cameras in the hallway or even better look at one of the students phone, they were all filming it!" I tried justifying myself.

He remained calm and collected. "From where I was standing it didn't look like that-"

I tried interrupting him but he kept going.

"-And we do not tolerate any form of violence, verbal or non-verbal"

I tried keeping my anger in because I'm being punished and Lacy probably won't even get in trouble.

I rubbed my sore and slightly bruised face with my hand. "This is bullshit". I grabbed the detention slip and left the room.

"Language" the principal said with a stern voice.

Shit, I'm so fucken sorry.

Promise to update soon.
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