Chapter Twenty-eight

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It's been an hour since John has made some sort of deal with Isa, and that's all I can think about right now. Why is Isa doing this? Just because I won the leadership by accident doesn't mean she suddenly befriends me to Lacy and makes a deal with John. But what was that deal about? Drugs?

"Hello? Earth to Avery" Mum says frantically waving her arms around, trying to gain my attention.

"Honey, you've been zoning out every time I speak and your not eating your dinner. Is something wrong?" Mum asked in a worried tone. She knew me too well, Iwould never not eat my food.

"Oh no nothing's wrong. It's just a project for school" I waved her off trying to sound convincing. She nodded eyeing me suspiciously.

"You can tell me anything, you know that right?" She put her hand on my arm in a supportive manner.

Right tell her that I caught my crazy cousin making a deal with John, no thanks. Although I know she deserved to know it's easier to not tell her. Since she would call me crazy and go back to loving John.

I gave her a thankful smile and turned my attention to the plate of food in front of me.

I start picking at my food and my eyes raised when John entered the room, finished with his meeting. I hated this. Dinners with John. Mum was acting like nothing happened.

"How was that meeting with one of your work friends?" I ask casually.

"What meeting?" She asks genuinely confused "You didn't tell me you had a meeting today?" 

"Um yeah that business meeting was organised just recently" John replied quickly trying to cover up.

"That's cool. Did you close off any deals with your clients?" I asked noticing him slightly squirming in his chair.

"Give him a break Ava. You know he's worked hard today so stop giving him a hard time" mum told me off.

I noticed the flood of relief in John's eyes at mum's comment.

I huffed and went to bed where my mind drifted to a place where there was no problems.


I know this chapter is very short and very uninteresting but trust me I'm setting it all up for the events to come later on.

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~ Ashley

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