Chapter Thirty-three

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Hey guys,
So I updated early! Please read the note at the bottom because it is really important and sad.
Anyway enjoy reading.


I wasn't surprised to see the whole country parked outside of our house. There was police cars parked around the house, a few with their flashing lights on.

I opened the car door and walked to the front entrance of our house, following Damien who entered the house first. I felt Xavier's presence right behind me. As soon as we entered the house, policeman in charge caught sight of Xavier and he signalled the rest to leave. 

"Wait you can't leav-" mum appeared, following the retreating police officers. She came to a halt when she laid eyes on me.

Her eyes where puffy and red from crying, slightly smudging her mascara.

"My baby" mum said running up to me and enveloping me in a hug.

"Mum I'm not a baby" I said annoyed.

"Are you hurt?" mum asked checking my face and body.

"I'm fine" I reassured her.

"Thank you for taking good care of my daughter" she told Xavier gratefully and taking in his appearance. "Quite a handsome one too. Is this your boyfriend?" Mum asked me.

"Far from a boyfriend" I muttered under my breath.

"Please take a seat, we have something to discuss" Xavier said in a dead serious tone.

Mum sat down with a weary look.

"I'm going to make this short and easy. We have full ownership of your daughter and you can't do anything about it" Xavier said.

I rolled my eyes. Are guys always this blunt?

Mum raised a brow not convinced. "You can't take full ownership of my daughter".

Unfazed by her response, Xavier passed her a file and I'm guessing that was the document that signed away my life.

Her eyes scanned over the page as disbelief crossed her features.

"That's not my signature"

"True. That's your husbands signature" he replied. Mum stayed silent as she reread the document.

Xavier continued, "John made a deal with my father-" a cold expression crossed his features. "-and he agreed to pay us back the money. He had ten years to do it yet he could never pay us back. So instead he offered the only thing he had left... his daughter"

"No you've got the wrong person. John would never do that" Mum tried to convince us but it seemed like she was trying to convince herself.

I rolled my eyes. Childish I know but even after being shown evidence that he sold me she still believes that monster is capable of doing good. "Not who you think he is?" I asked in a mocking tone.

"John would never do that" She repeated.

Xavier watched the scene not daring to say another word.

I sighed exasperated. "Are you really going to fight me on this? Your willing to stand by John while my life is put on the line?"

The options for mum was to either believe me or stand my John because she thinks this deal isn't true. Heck I don't fully believe this deal is right but I trust Xavier way more than John.

She stared at me directly in the eyes and replied in a steady voice. "I stand by John"

I shook my head at her disappointed. I was more disappointed than angry at her for putting her trust in the wrong person.

I started walking out, passing mum and not giving her another glance.

"I'll wait in the car" I stated to Xavier and he simply nodded.

"You're just going to leave?" She asked me with an angry voice.

I halted and threw my hands up in the air. "Yes I'm going to leave. Not because I want to but because when I make a deal, I don't go back on it" I noticed Xavier not amused but rather impressed, almost like he respected what I said.

I gave one last look to mum not giving off any emotion that was whirling inside of me. "Bye mum" before walking out of the house.

When I opened the car door my movement halted as I realised I had forgot the whole reason why we came.

My belongings.

I leaned my head on the car realising how fucked up my life is.


So I'm really unhappy about this outcome but someone has plagerised my whole book but has just changed the characters. I won't say who because in my opinion thats a bit rude so... When I say write a book I didn't mean plagerise my book I mean write your own book with your ideas. I'm really sad because I came up with this whole book and someone has just copied it down. I'm afraid that their book will go higher than mine and they'll take the credit for my book. If you notice someone is plagerising my book then please tell me because I need to know this. Thank you to one of my readers who told me this, I really appreciate it! If this person keeps going like this I might need to stop writing this book and delete it so the person can no longer copy which is a shame because I really enjoy writing😔 but most likely I'll keep going!

Anyway so what do you think? Will be updating on Thursday or Wednesday.

Remember to comment and vote
- Ashley

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