Chapter 1 - Welcome to Berk

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The sun rose on the Isle of Berk, a delicate golden glow dancing on the dusting of white from the night's snowfall, as Terrible Terrors stretched their lungs and woke the Vikings of the tribe.

At the Jorgenson house, Snotlout awoke to his father's heavy snoring and Hookfang, his Monstrous Nightmare dragon, knocking the door repeatedly, to get his attention.

"I heard you...I heard you..." He grumbled after he had washed and changed into his clothes. As second-in-command, he too was entitled to wear the Tribal crest on his belt as well as a fur stole, to emphasise his importance. Snotlout stepped out and fed his dragon.

"Winer..." He muttered. After dragon training for almost ten years...he would've learnt by now that dragons have excellent hearing.

So Hookfang heard his insult.

And he did not take it likely.

Hookfang exhaled, released a spark on his owner and set his trousers on fire. "Hookfang!" He cried as he jumped into the water trough. "That really is...getting old..." He snapped as the Monstrous Nightmare went back to his barrel of Nordic fish.

At the Ingerman house, Fishlegs awoke to his mother clattering around in the kitchen as Meatlug, his Gronckle dragon, slept soundly.

After changing and washing, Fishlegs shuffled down the stairs and kissed his mother on the cheek, as he fed him a hearty breakfast.

"So...what have you got to do today?" She questioned and Fishlegs sighed as sipped some yak's milk.

"Something haven't forgotten...have you?" He asked her and she shook her head.

"No! Of course not! I'm on kitchen duty at the castle..." She headed to her room as Fishlegs sighed, leaning back, before he heard creaking upstairs.

"Meatlug!" Fishlegs cried as the Gronckle came flying down, crashing into Fishlegs and pinning him to the floor.

"Lovely..." He moaned as dragon saliva covered him.

At the Thorston home, the twins awoke to a loud scream.

"What was that?" Tuffnut asked as he walked towards his sister's bedroom.

"Tuffnut! Ruffnut! Get down here!" Their mother shrieked, as they scrambled down the stairs.

You never got on the wrong side of Mrs Thorston.

"What? What happened?" Ruffnut asked, immediately regretting her question when she saw her mother – covered in slime.

"What is the meaning of this?" She cried and the twins were unsure how to respond.


"It's Monstrous Nightmare gel!" Tuffnut quickly responded, but their mother was not pleased.

"Why was it hanging above the kitchen?"

"Yes...Tuffnut why was it hanging above the kitchen?" Ruffnut turned to her twin, crossing her arms and he scratched his head.

"Well...I was going to prank you...but clearly that backfired..." Mrs Thorston threw a fork at her son, who yelped and ducked, before clearing off the gel from her.

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