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In honor of the festive season, here's a bonus chapter for all of you wonderful, loyal fans. 

My gift to you is this short chapter (short being 8500 words XD) set between the two books that features a flashback to the time before HTTYD2. 

This means that there is no Heather, Eret, Ada or Eira. 

It will all be told in the Narrator's POV and is my version of a European folktale. 

The village the riders visit is pronounced 'Vey-reuy' (I think. Do correct me if I am wrong.)

Yule-tide is the Winter Solstice which takes place about a week before Snoggletog. In the north, when there are limited day-light hours during the winter months, there is a week after the Winter Solstice which renders everything in darkness. Similar to the Summer Solstice which renders everything in daylight for a week afterwards (as seen in the RTTE episode, 'The Longest Day'.) To be fair, I'm not sure if this true, but if there is a week of daylight constantly during the Summer Solstice as per say RTTE, then it only makes sense to do the same for the opposite. 

I hope you all enjoy and truly thank you, from the bottom of my heart for all of your support over the year. 

I am so touched by your comments, votes and shares of my books and I cannot wait to continue writing in the New Year for you all and hopefully (fingers crossed), I'll begin writing my two other books also based on the HTTYD universe. we go!




'Twas the night before Snoggletog, when all through the village,

The people of Berk gathered around a bonfire in the castle square.

Excitement amongst the youth and the villagers,

As they prepared to call in their Winter Festival.

The heavily pregnant Queen sat with her husband the Chief, as she caressed her swollen stomach, her final Yule season before the upcoming birth, due in a few weeks.

After the celebrations the following day, she will go into confinement until she delivered so she was grateful for this moment.

The dragons were away at Dragon Island for their mating season, including Toothless, his mate Aurora and their two youngsters, Eluf and Thora.

He was the Alpha after-all.

Hiccup watched his people as they shared Yak-nog and sweet treats, customary for the festival and he felt peace and happiness, because the previous year had not been the easiest.

He took his wife's hand and kissed it as his arm went around her and she snuggled into him.

The crackling of the fire, the laughs and jokes of the people, peace was perfect for all.

Until a mother scolded her son for knocking a tray out of her hands, spilling Yak-nog on the floor.

"You stupid boy!" She cried, grabbing his wrist. "And just for that, Krampus is going to take you to the underworld!"

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