Leaves and comes back bloody

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You hear a knocking at the door. Picking up the remote and turning off the tv you stood up and headed to the door. Leaning down and getting a grip on the baseball bat you keep behind the door you rock up on your tiptoes to look out the peephole. You drop the bat and scramble to unlock and open the door. Seeing him look down then slowly raising his head. "Sam," you breathe out when you see the blood on his face. "Come in." You watch as he limps in.

After closing the door you run and pull a chair to him, "sit." You lean in and move his face with your hand. "Looks like the blood's not flowing anymore but let's get this off your face." Going into your bathroom and running a washcloth under the faucet you think back to the last time you saw him. It was a few years ago and you both went to the same high school. You both were friends and hardly went anyplace without the other. You remember he had an older brother who teased him relentlessly for it.

The more you hung out, the more you fell for the tall nerdy guy. You'd go to the library together and he'd sneak off to answer his phone but always came back with a smile. He'd buy you coffee and you'd make him lunch. You had inside jokes and little routines. Never stopping at your locker to get more walking time with him. You'd share lunches, mainly because he never had much of one and the school's food was terrible. You were always there for him and he'd do anything for you.

Getting back to him you lift his head by placing your hand under his chin, "this may hurt." When you place the warm rag on his face he doesn't even flinch. He just looks at you. The rag moves all over his face. You move closer and around to make sure you get it all. Folding the cloth to get a fresh spot as it gets stained with blood. With the last little bit, "all done." His gaze never left yours and you just now realize how you're practically in his lap. You move back and he grabs your wrist, "thank you. I... I didn't know where else to go." "What happened?" He moves his thumb along your wrist, "a fight I thought would be easy."

You fell into his eyes and actually couldn't believe you were looking to them once more. Then you snap back to reality. "No Sam I can't. Not again." You went to move but he still has a hold he won't let go. "Can't do what?" You point back and forth between the both of you, "this. When you left suddenly from school I was heartbroken. I'd lost my best friend. I didn't know why you left or where you went. You were just gone and that broke me. I know you're going to leave again so I can't." You try to pull away, "let go of my wrist." He keeps looking at you. "Say something!"

"I was forced to leave for family reasons and I didn't talk for months after I was dragged away from you. I tried sneaking out and using a phone to call you but my brother always caught me. He said that no one must know where we are. I tried remembering your address for the hundreds of letters I wrote." He stood up and towered over you. "I missed you so much that I got better at sneaking out and kept in touch with your neighbor, Mrs. Johnson. She would tell me how you were doing. When I was moved all over the country one thing that made me happiest was knowing where you were and one day I'd see you again."

Your heart sank as you could see the pain in his eyes. "It nearly killed me to leave you especially when I was building up the courage..." He looks away for a moment and drops your wrist. "Courage for what Sam?" He slowly looks back to you as he says, "to ask you out." You blink at the news and shake your head, "I uh... I didn't know you felt that way." Your eyes locked again, "I was crazy about you, still are." His hand comes up and cups your face. You press into his warm palm, "Sam I..." He leans in and presses your lips together. You move your hands to his neck and slowly slide them to the back.

"If you aren't still pissed at me I'd like to start over. Or rather pick up where we left off." You breathe out, "how... how do I know you won't leave again?" "I told my brother that I wanted out and if I'm lucky enough the girl, well woman, I can't stop thinking about will let me through her front door. So I stole a car and in the process got beat up by a big guy because I stopped at a gas station to get flowers and there was only one bouquet left." "You got beat up over gas station flowers for me?" He nods and presses his forehead to yours. "So can I stay?" You jumped to your tiptoes and your lips connected once more. 

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