chapter 3

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The two most perfect twin brothers walk into the office boath with transferskripts to gp to ouer school and they were the dreameast of boys ever seen. Then one faced me...

My heart stopped it was him the guy in my dream that tried to kill me. He is so gourgeous but I am afraid my dream isn't a dream anymore...

After they sighned in they came up to us to introduse them selfes. The one Anja eyed was named Cole and the one that was in my dream and the hottest of the two is Dylan.

They are flawless, blond hair blue eyes and the worlds greatest smile with teeth so perfect. Makes me melt wow I cant even walk, he makes me forget about everything.

The best of all is when he told me he'll see me at the cafeteria and walked away. I could never belive sutch hot guys would enroll in our school.

Anja and I got up to go to the next class because asembily ended and everyone is on their way to their classes.

We came into the class and guess what the twins are in the same engalish class as us and the asked if they could sit next to us and of corse Anja and I said yes because, you know they are so hot ...

Dylan and I didn't even care what the teacher had to say to us beauce se only staired jnto each others eyes till the bell rang and spoieled the moment.

We got up and went to the cafeteria togeter and they sat with me and Anja. The popular girl Laura didn't like that idee if the two hot new guys siting with the two of us an came to us to trie and take them but Dylan and Cole just looked at her and she walked away.

We couldn't belive that she would just walk away without saying anything, she never does that. This day is so far the weirdes day but it feels good thoh tjat the twins want to be with us and not them.

I saw Dylans eyes turn gold after he looked at Laura, he said it was only his contacts acting up but I don't care it made him even more buatiful.

I will still be afraid of what he can do because why would I dream of someone and just walk into them the next day. I must think of anplan to find out if he is capable to kill me and or not.

I did back round checks on them and nothing came up. I ignored it because Dylan called me and asked me what I am doing but of corse I can't tell him the truth and only said the first thing that popped into my head...

Just on my bed you know chilling like always. He only laught at that and asked if I could remember if we had any homework in english but I didn't know because we didin't listen yo the teacher at the time. I said no I cant remember so he said sorry for the inconvenions and hung up...

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