chapter 12

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There I was waitibg for my best friend to open her eyes and she opend her eyes very slowley...

I gave her the glass and told her to drink so that the transision can go on and she can be by my side forever and alwsys...

I got up and took the glass and drank it all, when she was done I asked her how she felt abd she said that she felt funny but in a good way...

I told her to wear this ring and never to take it off no matter what. She asked me why and I told her so that she can walk in the sun otherwise you would burn and turn to ashes...

She was shocked and asked if we don't sparkel like in Twilight , it made me laugh and I told her that this is real life not some kind of story...

She asked me what I am going to show her about being a vampire and i told her I am also new at it... My brother came in and then Anja looked frozen she also thought my brother was dead...

She kind of had a crush on him when he was still living with us but it's different now...

He told her he knows it's diffrent and that he is going to be our teacher abd learn us all he knows...

He told her there is one thing that he must find out first and took us outside, he told her to consentrate on her anger and then think of a wolf and you wont belive it...

Anja is a hybrid that means I am a alfa and they have to obey me and stand by me bo matter what and even the vampires they make can be under ny control my brother told me...

A.J took me aside and told me we have to have an army under me because the vampires that killed our father will now be hunting us because they think we can't control ourselfs and will harm them and their kind...

A.J told Anja to calm down and thin of calming thing and then she turned back to a plain old vampire...

We took her hunting and told her she can only feed on bad people who kill and also people who won't be missed...

She agreed saying that it made sence and then we told her if she screwed up we convinced everyone that its an animal atack...

She asked what did we mean by convince everyone and I told her well thats your first lesson my brother is going to teach you...

We took her into a bar full of bikers and my brother told her what to do and she got it right...

We went back to Dylan's house withch we found out is actualy A.J's house and that means that it's my house by being the alfa...

We walk in and Cole stands at the door waiting fot the new and improved Anja and then I told her with youe mind link that Cole is a vampire...

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