chapter 16

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On our way home everyone was so quite until Anja suddenly laughed. I asked her why she was laughthing and she told me she was laughthing because of that joke I told her yesterday...

Everyone in the car started laughthing even mr uptight next to me who can not belive Anja is so slow for a vampire...

We arived at the house and as soon as David climed out A.J was infront of me trieing to protect me from him. I calmed A.J down and told him my plan in our mind link wich only he can hear and no one els.

A.J didn't like the idea at all but he has to trust me I need to change David's mind, but if I can't then I atleast need him to fall for me...

I invited David into our house and showed him everything inside and out. He was pleased with my hospitality and humor, just like a normal human he said, to make sure people don't realize your a vampire...

That night we sat outside around a big bonfire Cole made for us. David sat next to me to ask me questions about my kind. First he wanted to know how much I fed and what my food sorse is...

I answered the questions by telling him that I fed every second to third day and the only people I kill are low lifes, murderurs and homeless people that won't be missed...

He then asked me how does the whole hybrid bite work so I told him that I only change at will and if i bite somone they also turn into a hybrid...

He looked frightend but I assured him that I am an Alfa and only Alfas can change people into hybrids no other hybrids like my brother or Anja can change anyone into a hybrid, they can only change people i to vampires...

You could see the relief on his face when I told him that and asked me if I have all the vampire powers. I told him that I am not sure because I don't have somone to teach me alot about being a vampire...

He smiled and asked me if he could teach me and Anja to be real vampires and show us all he learned in his 200 years. We didn't even think about it and said yes.

Dylan, Cole and my brother asked if he could teach them to and he agreed on it but only if he and I could later have time alone to talk...

I smiled and agreed to his condition and asked him about his 200 years of experians and what he did in his whole life and what he does now...

He told us thet it is a long story and only Anja abd I stayed to listen to him telling about his life and how he first got changed...

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