chapter 23

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I told her to block her mind with simple tjoughts when we got back so David doesn't sence anything...

I told David that Anja and I needed a little bonding and that we are going away tomorrow to relax and spend time together again, without any men with us...

He smiled and agreed and told me that he would miss me for the day and went off to talk to Dylan...

I seriously jus wanted to rip his head off of his shoulders withou feeling bad about it but I kept my anger in and went to Anja to tell her that were going tonight for our girl day...

She jumped with joy and agreed with that but she knew why and where we were going so it would be more fun. We all went home and Anja asked me if I could help her to deside to wear and I picked the best outfit for her and got the best outfit for me too...

We sneaked out later that night and headed to New York to go and find Arthur. We got there and first when to hunt and then whe saw the perfect two guys who tried to rape this girl...

After we fed this thing atacked me and then I knew Arthur found us, I stopped him and pinned him down and told him who I am...

I asked him if he wanted to be part of the family again and live with us. He agreed and then I bit him to change him into a hybrid and gave him blood ant told he he must feed to live. He then agreed and we went back home to Arthur's place...

Wow his place is seriously amazing!!! I asked him where he got tje place and he told me it wwas passed down in the family and now it belongs to him...

I told him about the Count that wants to kill me and David his brother who might help him acomplish it. He then told me he always wanted to kill the Count since he was a little boy...

I asked him about our family and he told me that I am the first fale werewolf in our whole family. Most of our family got killed by the Count and his me...

I then asked him if he knew what a hybrid was. He said no but then I told him what I have turned him into amd he was amazed but a little shocked...

He then senced that I was an alfa and asked me how I bacame one and is it not supose to be my brother who should be the alfa...

I asked him what he ment and he told me our father was the alfa wolf of the family and the eldest or sometimes bravest got the alfa gift...

I smilef and knew that I must be braver than my brother if I got the gift and not him...

Atthur then asked me if thats all I wanted to know. I then asked him if there is any more werewolfs alive who is omegas...

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