chapter 19

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The next morning David slept in my bed and Anja and I went to go hunting because we need the strenth for the training we had ahead of us today...

We desided to go two towns away form our town just to get new pray with a new taste and as we go into the town we see two homeless guys walking in the street so I made heavy fog and we ran to get them and fed on them in privacy away from the others...

We desposed of the bodies by burning them just like the others and then throw there ashes away so no one can ever find them...

We went back and David was still on my bed fast asleep. I looked at him and told Anja that he is so cute when he is asleep and Anja looked at me and said somone is in love with him...

I looked at her and smiled and said no but you could hear the no was fake. We went out to town to get rid of time and meet new people to change...

We sat at a coffee shop and got chatting with a girl named Bianca, she seemed very nice and I think she could be one of my life long friends if you know what I mean...

I asked her to come to a party at my house tonight and I told her were it was...

We then went in the arcade and saw this guy and he looked very lonely and like no one ever talked to him so I went up to him and asked him whats his name is and he said it's Dean and I invited him over tonight for the party and he agreed...

Anja and I then went home because no one looked interesting anymore. When we got home I went up to me abd Anja's room and guess what I saw...

I saw David and ge just came out of the shower with his towel around his lower body and the water running over his beuatiful toned body and when he looked at me and smiled I almost melted...

He greeted me and said thar he is glad I am back now he can teach me more things and I laughed and said yes sir and went out of the room...

He changed realy vast and came down to us and dragged us outside to learn us how to levitate thing with just thinking about is. Anja and I tried hard and after a hour we got it right...

We jummped up and down with joy for getting it right and then told him about the party and changing the two people I invited. He agreed and said he will fight for us too because he doesn't stand for the rules the count made...

I hugged him and thanked him for doing that and it would gives us a great advantadge of knowing more about the count and his tricks...

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