Rarity's Fashion Empire

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Unlike the others, Rarity didn't marry a stallion. She preferred to pursue her fashion career and start a fashion empire. She's a huge success. She's always doing the biggest costume gigs for the biggest stars. Rarity couldn't be any happier. She's got all the money in the world and is thriving in Manehattan and Caterlot. Her dresses are her babies. That's the best thing to her. She loves her success and she loves her TLC she gives her dresses for her clients. "Who needs a stallion when I have my fashion?" Rarity always tells herself. She knows it to be true. After all, all the stallions she ever loved were either too old, too snobby, or interested in someone else. Fashion is the only thing she knows she can count on and depend on and her friends don't blame her. They know she's had it rough. They don't dare bug her about it which she completely loves. They support her. She couldn't ask for anymore than knowing they've got her back all the way.

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