Davie's New Friends

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"Why'd you stand up for me like that or rather why'd you stick up for me at all?" A confused Davie asks Screwball.
"Just say I know how to handle bullies be them my own or someone else's because you see, I'm the daughter of the King of Chaos, as in Discord. That gets me made fun of all the time. Sometimes I go extreme and turn my bullies into basketballs but not all the time. I stick up for myself and others. That's the right thing to do," Screwball replies.
"Well thanks," replies Davie, "and I think that's the only thanks I've ever given somepony that's not a griffin or anypony at all now that I think about it."
"Well, you're welcome, and please call me Screwy, all my friends do," replies Screwball.

A few minutes later, Ditzy comes up and introduces herself to Davie and these two also become quick friends. Davie is grateful to have two new friends to call his own. To the other ponies, they're the oddest trio of friends ever, but to each other, they're the greatest trio of friends ever since the CMC.

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