Rara and Spotlight's Announcement

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A week later, AJ gets some stunning news from Rara

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A week later, AJ gets some stunning news from Rara. "Dear AJ," reads Applejack, "Spotlight and I are getting married and I wondered if you'd be my matron of honor. So would you do it please? Your best friend forever, Rara". AJ can't help but say yes. It is her best friend's wedding after all. She goes and tells Hay Bail to round up the children. They're going to Manehattan! They catch the next train out to Manehattan. When they arrive, Rara is there to meet them. She and AJ hug and then she introduces Applejack to her fiancé Spotlight. "Nice to meet ya," says AJ to Spotlight.
"You too," Spotlight replies. They then have AJ and her family follow her the theatre for old times sake, to sing "Equestria the Land I Love" together once again. Spotlight is glad to see his fiancée enjoying herself. Rara and Spotlight then lead AJ and her family to where they'll be staying. "You'll be staying in our finely finished guest house," says Rara, "I'll let you guys get settled."
"Thanks Rara," AJ replies with a smile. She unpacks as do her foals and Hay Bail. She's glad she gets to be part of her friend's wedding. "It's about time Rara marries," she sighs, "but knowing her she'll always be a singer and performer whether she's married or not." They meet up again at dinner. "My fiancé is also my new manager," Rara says to AJ. "He's a hundred and ten times better than Svengallop ever was. He treats me right, you know?"
"Yeah I know," replies AJ, "I'm just glad you're happy."
"I couldn't be happier," Rara replies. AJ can tell. After supper, they go their separate ways. Rara and Spotlight go to the main house and AJ and her family go to the guest house. AJ soon falls asleep with a smile on her face as do her husband and foals. Tomorrow, she has to go help Rara pick out her wedding dress at Rarity's Manehattan store.

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