10 Months Later...

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10 months later, Matilda gives birth to a happy and healthy little jenny named Tilly. It's also three days until Starbliss and Silver Shill's wedding. Everypony is excited for everypony else. That's needless to say to be completely and utterly honest.

Three days later, everypony attends Starbliss and Silver Shill's wedding including the new parents Matilda and Cranky. Everypony is surprised they were able to make it considering Matilda is supposed to be on mareturnity leave. The wedding goes perfectly and as planned. Starbliss and Silver Shill are soon happily married. Shining is once again in tears at the wedding and once again Cadance responds, "Weddings make him emotional." She's not lying. The two are sent off on their honeymoon very quickly but yet with no haste whatsoever. It's a happy day for everypony, but they all know that this was truly Starbliss and Silver Shill's special day for this is the day that starts off the rest of their lives together.

The Future of the Mane 6 and their FriendsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin