Cadance Gets a Call From Her Mom

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During the fifth day of the war, Cadance gets a call from her mom but when she returns home to the Crystal Empire to check on her mom she doesn't behold a beautiful sight at all, instead her mom is lying on the floor with a spear topped with light going through her heart. The Angel Ponies had killed Cadance's mom. She had gotten there way to late. She'll never forgive herself for this. She swears on that. She returns to the battlefield heavy hearted. Twilight can see that something is troubling Cadance. "What happened?" Twilight asked.
"I got there too late, my mom, Angel Ponies, spear topped with light, the Angel Ponies killed my mom. I could do nothing to save her. I can only blame myself for not getting there on time. It's all my fault," says Cadance as she spouts tears of joy. Twilight feels sorry for her and wishes there was something she could do to help Cadance, but deep down inside she knows that it's the cost of war and there's nothing either of them could do about it.

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