Cadance's Mom Comes Home

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"You are free to go," says the doctor to Cadance's mom.
"Go where? My home burnt down years ago," she replies.
"You can come live with me and my family," replies Shining Armor to Cadance's mom.
"That's sweet of you. I accept," she replies. She leaves with them on the first train out of Canterlot heading to the Crystal Empire.

Back in the Crystal Empire. "This is a lovely castle," says Cadance's mom. I'm impressed and proud of you. I really and truly am my little Candy."
"Mom, I know you're proud, but your embarrassing me," responds Cadance.
"Sorry Candy, sweetheart," her mom replies, "it's just that I missed you so much and am glad to be with you once again."
Cadance knows she can't argue with her mom because she knows her mom is always right even though sometimes it can be a pain in the hoof when she does. She's finally home. For that, Cadance's mom couldn't be happier.

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