ABBA Ponies are Glad to Be Home

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"I'm glad to be back with our little foals," says Agnetha to Bjorn.
"You do always miss them when we are on tour," he replies with a sigh as he also goes down to play with them alongside his wife.
"At least you have children Aggie," says Frida, "you're lucky."
Agnetha knows Frida is right. She is lucky considering Anni-Frid doesn't have the ability to have children like she does.
"At least, we are all together. Be grateful for that girls," says Benny as he puts in his two bits. They then round up the foals and head to the park outside their apartment back in Swedamare to play now that their tour is done. They're ponies with busy show and tour schedules, so they enjoy when they just get time to themselves with their families (or rather Agnetha and Bjorn's family anyway).

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