Cadance's Grief and Sorrow

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For months after her mother's death, Cadance continues to mourn. She really misses her mom. Shining wishes there was something he could do to cheer her up. He sees she just needs to be alone, so he goes out to Cadance's Swan Pond to think. "This pond I made her for our anniversary present last year with Twilight's help. It always brings Cadance joy," he sighs to himself as he sits. He knows her grief and sorrow are too great for her to even realize that joy the pond brings her. The best he can do is comfort her like any loyal husband should right now. He goes inside to comfort her. She cries on his shoulder. Her sorrow is so great, she needed his shoulder to lean on the whole time. She's grateful he's come to comfort her. They'll make it through this tragedy together. That's a promise he'll never break.

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