Raven Wing's Disappointment

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After Helix left, Raven refused to listen to anything Donkella and Murphy asked him to do. The poor colt was heartbroken by his own father and he'd never forget that. He'd never forgive his father for that either. Donkella and Murphy can't help but feel sorry for and pity the colt. They are determined to find some way to null their adoption and to reunite him with his father. They just can't tell Raven Wing, at least not right now. For now, they just have to keep this a secret until they know whether it's even possible or not.

For now, the couple just let him alone. They don't bug him except for dinner and to tuck him into bed at night. They wish they could do more for him. They're still trying to null the adoption because he deserves to be with his father after all these years the two have spent apart. They'll keep on trying until they succeed. That's a guarantee.

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