AJ Meets Baby Spectacle

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At the Manehattan Hospital, AJ immediately finds Rara's room. She knocks, "Rara, can I come in?"
"AJ," replies a surprised Rara, "come on in. Your children can come in too." AJ and her children go in to Rara's bedside. "She's adorable," says AJ to Rara, "she's beautiful just like her momma."
Rara blushes at this. "Thanks AJ. I'm glad you're here."
"I'm glad I'm here too," replies AJ, "if I wasn't I'd never meet your precious little filly." The two friends can definitely agree on that. Rara even lets AJ hold little Spectacle. AJ holds the foal and smiles. She knows her friend is truly blessed and she knows that Rara will make sure that her daughter will always know AJ as Auntie Applejack.

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