Night Diamond Becomes the First Alicorn Prince in Equestria

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One week while Night Diamond was walking home from school with his friends, he was suddenly lifted into the air and into the Ascension scape. "What's going on?" He inquires.
"Your destiny young prince," replies Celestia. He then is taken up by a burst of magic and transformed into an Alicorn. He then descends back to Equestria with his cutie mark of the diamonded star bringing him down and presenting him to his friends. He can't wait to show his mom and dad his new wings. He's so excited. He also can't wait to see his friends expressions.

"Whoa!" Says his friend Spark Fire, son of Spitfire. "You're an Alicorn prince Night Diamond!"
"Isn't it awesome?!" Night Diamond replies.
"Yeah, you're a one of a kind buddy," replies Fleet Wing, the child of another one of the Wonderbolts. Night Diamond rushes home to show his parents.

"How'd, what, how'd you even become an Alicorn?" Twilight Sparkle inquires of her son.
"I have no idea. Celestia said it was my destiny to be an Alicorn prince," Night Diamond replies.
"And besides, hasn't it been decided that Alicorns can become Alicorns or be born Alicorns because of you know, cousin Flurry Heart?" he asks.
"Yeah," stutters Twilight. "I guess you're right son now go and grab your sister."
"Yes mom," he replies and goes and grabs his sister and brings her to Twilight.
"Thanks son," Twilight replies as she takes her daughter from his arms and takes her to nurse. It's definitely a puzzling day for everypony in Twilight's family.

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