Breaking the News About What Hypnostar Did to the Royal Sisters

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The Professor arrives at the sisters' castle in Canterlot that same afternoon and tells them who was behind the death of their cousin Raios and all the other male Alicorns that used to exist before Night Diamond.
"Princesses," says Professor Goodhoof, "the Metapony we caught, Hypnostar, is the pony who killed Raios once he was born as well as all other Alicorn princes and males while they were still in the womb. The sisters are in tears. They're both furious with Starra. They plan to execute her but instead they are persuaded to send her to a place no pony knows about called "MPJ Isle". The MPJ stands for Metapony Jail. The sisters are still mad. Starra should consider herself lucky that she's still alive and breathing.

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