The Metaponies Prt. 6

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"It looks like I'm off to see Fluttershy," Twilight says to herself then flies off to Chaos Castle to see Fluttershy.

At Chaos Castle, Twilight has a little chat with Fluttershy while Screwball plays in the back room with Ditzy.
"Do you still have traces of Flutterbat in your bloodstream?" Twilight asks.
"Not that I know of," replies Fluttershy, "but I guess it is possible."
"Does your family know?" Twilight asks.
"Discord knows, but I haven't told Screwy. After all, she's still just a little filly. She's too young," replies Fluttershy, "but I'll tell her someday, when she's older."
Twilight takes these answers and flies back to her family to write down her findings. She got all the info she needed and more. Now, all she has to do is piece it all together.

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