Fluttershy's Secret

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"Discord, honey," asks Fluttershy, "can I tell you something, in private, please, right now?" "Why? What is it dear?" Discord responds

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"Discord, honey," asks Fluttershy, "can I tell you something, in private, please, right now?"
"Why? What is it dear?" Discord responds.
"This is a secret you can't tell Screwy. It's our secret. Okay," says Fluttershy to Discord.
"Okay. Fine," he replies. "Just get on with it."
"I have two other children: Scootaloo and Cheerilee," Fluttershy tells him. He crosses his claws and swears not to tell his daughter. This is one secret Fluttershy will never ever ever ever tell Screwy. After all, she and Discord did do the oath: 'cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.' That's an oath that no pony or no creature for that matter can ever break. They do know that.

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