27. News

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The sensor beeped and the glass door flew open and I could sense that it was Jake. A second later a pile of papers what looked liked a newspaper was slammed on my desk disturbing the contents of my desk.

I picked up an another file and reviewed it's contents cross checking it avoiding the newspaper.

He paced back and forth waiting for me to react but I didn't for a while. He stopped and then spoke.

"Do you mind?"

"No I don't mind anything."

"Read it Zylen."

The headline read as "Zylen Marc and Tiffany Devon -divorced."

"I warned you about it."

"Yes I know."

"Dude do you even care? They have written it if as it was a whole business deal and spiced it up."

I continued with my work trying to ignore Jake's 'I told you so' lecture.

"I am answering a dozen of calls from everywhere. The paparazzi have jammed outside the building and all you say is a 'hmm'."

Again I didn't respond to it and tried continuing to work but his presence was a little bit of disturbance.

His hand slammed on my desk with brutal force and It ticked me off.

"Zylen Marc we need to to talk."

I leveled with him eye to eye. He looked frustrated but I was also annoyed. His cell kept on ringing of the hook but we both ignored it as we had a staring match.

"Don't give me your irritated look Zylen. I have been covering your ass but now I would like some answers please because I have ran out of them by answering calls."

"What answers do you want?"

"About Tiffany and you!"
I looked away instantly.

"I had dropped the topic but seriously now it's gone beyond limit. I am pretty sure when Luther reads this he's gonna call you immediately and you are gonna hear an earful."

"It's none of your business Jake."

"It is when the company's reputation is at stake. The whole article is an wild accurate guess about the whole marriage deal."

"It's just a nuisance pointless article. If it is so much the trouble then I'll have Jasper deal with it"

He toned down , way down and he looked outside.


"I said I want answers. I know you will stitch up the situation but still."

"What is the question?"

He paused for a long time as if making up his mind for something before he blurted out.

"Why do you still wear that ring? Answer me that."

"Jake." I warned him

" I said I want answers. Why do you wear that ring?"

"Jake I swear-"

He was walking towards me.

"I am not leaving without an answer."

"It's none of your business."

"I am not hearing that again! Why are you denying it? That ring is still resting on your finger. It's been months since the divorce yet you wear it. Who are you trying to fool. Yourself? By denying it?"

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