Brentley 23

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Keyon Pov

'Lots of therapy, we can only hope, went great. I'm terribly sorry ' were the words I heard but in pieces.

I couldn't stay much longer between the cries from Mrs. Davis and that annoying bitch Shay. Ok so what she's his babymama does the bitch want a medal ? Fuck her ! I mean who am I to say she doesn't love Brentley but he's mine and the bitch gotta go.

I sat in my car I know I was playing with fire just sitting here knowing I had to get back to school for my game. All that went on in my head is why Brentley?

If I can take back the shit I said.

The things I did.

I love you Brentley.


Omniscient Pov

" Cameron! Cameron! Where are you and where's my baby? " and older lady yelled while tears slowly crept from her eyes. She looked rather worried yet calm if you know what I mean.

"Where's Chad ? I told him to stay away from you , when I first saw you in knew I smelt something and it was nothing but trouble. "

"Ma I can -"

"It's Ms. Steele to you, you better hope my son is ok for your sake. "

Cam went against his first mind to tell her off. He sat in the corner by himself constantly praying for the best.

Maybe a hour later a girl about there age came in frantic yelling Chads name. Cams head popped up and he seen Ms. Steele and the girls whose name was said by her during the embrace. Cam had a uneasy look on his face.

Ashley-Lynn she was pretty sure, nice hair sure, well dressed yes but who the hell is she ?

Not even 2 minutes later the doctor came out to speak to Chad Bellamy's family.

"I'm his mother Ms. Steele and this is his girlfriend Ashley-Lynn. Is my baby ok ? Please tell me he's ok !" She cried with hope.

"I'm not going to beat around the Bush man. Chads stable but I'm not sure he'll make it through the nig-"

"Oh Jesus, my baby , my only son........ You ( she pointed and walked towards Cam ) are you happy? My son is dead because of you. Why couldn't it have been you ? Why do you get to live ? (She started pointing her finger in his face until security backed her up but let her continue to talk) Yeah I see that damn bandage on your forehead and a cast on your arm but your also breathing. My-my son, he just may be taking last breath and it's all your fault. Every bit of it." She yelled the last part and the doctor walked over to explain the rest of the situation.

"Ma'am like I said he may not make it through the night but who knows what could happen. He pulled through with the surgery and multiple blood transfusions so you never know. Don't give up hope just yet.

Cam eyes began to water and his mind began to wonder if those words were true. Ms. Steele wad brought in an embrace with Ashley-Lynn and Cam he left an went to his car. His mind began to vividly replay the day he met Chad.


Cam was at Holiday Park shooting around and notice after an hour his basketball was slowly deflating.

I Am Him, Brentley  (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now