the missing piece

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Chloe's pov:
It was getting so close to me due date. Eddie was gone hunting with jasper and emmett when i was sitting on the couch next to nessie while she was holding ej and i was holding aliceandra when i made a loud scream.I felt a huge sharp pain in my stomache.i dropped to my knees trying not to drop the baby when  jacob came into the room.jacob grabbed the baby out of my arms and grabbed nessie who was still holding ej and through her behind him."its okay jake i would never hurt nessie or the babies". I said in a whisper as i was in pain.
Rose and carisle and esme and bella and edward ran into the room as.
"Renesmee stay here dont you dare come in that room.rose please take the baby". Jake said as he passed the baby to rose."no jake i cant go in labor eddies not here".i said in pain as i began to cry as i was still screaming."its okay chloe. Edward is gone to go get eddie i will help you dont worry". Jacob said as he picked me up and brought me to the study room where i began to start pushing carisle was hooking up machines to me when jacob grabbed my hand. Eddie came running into the room. "Chloe!" he said as he kissed me on the head.

"Okay chloe its time to push". Carisle said. i began to push as i continued screaming in pain. It was 20 minutes later when i heard the cries of my baby girl."its a girl!" carisle said as he dried off the baby and passed her over to me. Me and eddie began to cry."hi beautiful".i said to her with a smile."eddie what should we name her?". I said as i looked up to eddie.
" how about emerson carly choe cullen". He said with a grin."oh my god eddie i love that name its beautiful".i said with a smile as I kissed him on the lips. "Hi emerson im your mommy and thats your daddy. where so happy that you are here now baby girl we love you so much".i said as i kissed her and passed her to eddie.

I was so happy that my daughter was finally here. Ever since my mom died it always felt like there was something missing in my life but now that my daughter is here my life feels whole again. I was so happy that ej was going to get his own room and aliceandra and emerson where going to be sharing a room.

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