the end

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Sophias pov:

[15 years later]

It has been fifteen years. We are all grown up now. Me and william have 3 kids. We have 2 girls and a boy. They are all wolfs like william. Our girls our twins and they are 15 and there names our rachelle and and Alexis. We chose alexis because we liked that name and we chose rachelle because it came together with Renesmee and chantelle. Our son jordan jacob black is 10.

My little brother mathew is married to leah clear water after he imprinted on her. They have a little girl named kendall and she is 8 years old.

Alicenandra is married to seth after they fell inlove. They have 2 boys named Jared and eeden. Jared is 18 and eeden is 13. And the rest of the kids are newly weds. I cant wait to see what the future has in hold for them.
The end
Thank you everyone for reading my story. It is pretty long and i hope you guys enjoy this. Dont forget to vote and comment and follow me and most importantly read my other stories:) thanks so much for reading

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