the honeymoon

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Sophias pov:
Late that night after all our guests left we where getting ready to leave for our honey moon. "So why won't you tell me where your taking me?" i asked william. Because its a surprise. Im taking you to 5 different places. Alice and rose already packed all our bags and i said good bye to all our family. We than got on a plain and made our way to rio where we went on a motor boat to a reall nice island. "Where are we baby?" i asked william. This is isle esme. This is the island that our great grandpa carisle bought for great grandma esme. My mom and grandma and grandpa and chloe and eddie had there honeymoons here aswell as theres also a island called isle isabella for my grandma but this island is the one where staying on". He said with a smile. "Oh i love it. Its so nice. What other places are we going to?" i asked him.

"Well where going to be staying at 5 different places for a week each. We will be staying here, than we will be going to florida, los Angeles, calafornia, and then mexico". He said. I smiled in excitement.

I than went inside the house. It was so beautiful. I loved the scenery so much. Once we got un packed and settled in i decided i would go for a swim. I got my bathing suit on and went in the water. William came outside and started to kiss me. He picked me up bridal style and brought me into the house. *sexual stuff from then on*

The next morning i woke up to see william still asleep. I quietly got up and made some bacon and eggs. Not long later william came into the room. "Good morning babe". He said as he kissed me. "Good morning. I made you some bacon and eggs and some orange juice. Its on the counter over there if you want it". I said with a smile. He went over to the counter and ate his breakfeast. I than went and changed into a lime green bathing suit snd s white top and short blue jean shorts and some flip flops and me and william went for a walk and went cliff jumping and i got to hunt aswell.

I was having such a great time on this trip. We where on our way to florida. Once we got there we went straight to my great grandma renees. "Hey grandma how are you?" william asked as he hugged her. " hi sweetie. Im doing good how are you?" she asked. "Im doing great thank you for asking". He asked.

[one month later]

Our honey moon when great and i had a great time. I cant wait to spend forever with the love of my life.

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