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Williams pov:
Sophia was now physically 18 and i know i want to spend the rest of my life with her. I decided i want to propose to her but i know i should get her parents permission first.

I walked over to the cullen house. "Hey aunt chantelle and uncle rio can i please talk to you guys in private?" i asked them as i called them into the other room. "Whats up willy". My aunt asked me. "Okay i just have to talk to you guys about something extremely important. Now you guys both know how much i love your daughter and i want to spend the rest of my life with her. Out of respect im asking for your blessing to propose to sophia". I said. They all looked so shocked and they whispered to each other." well william. You know how much we love you and i truly believe that you are whats best for our daughter and i know that you will take fantastic care of her. Im going to say you have my blessing". My aunt said with a smile. "You have mine too". Rio said to me with a smile. I hugged them and thanked them so much and gave them all the details. "I than went to my mom house and told her whats going to be happening because i know how close her and sophia are.

Me and my mom went out ring shopping for sophia. We finally found the ring. It was silver with dymonds. It was the most prettiest ring ive ever seen before. " oh william this one is perfect!" my mom said to me. I nodded my head and purchased the ring and got a nice box to go in it.

"So sweetie where are you planning on proposing?" my mom asked. "Well i was thinking i would propose to her in the field that grandma and grandpa would always go to". I said with a smile. "This is going to be so perfect". My mom said with a big smile on her face.

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