Chapter Two

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So you can distinguish between which messages are Niall's and which are Emma's, Niall's are bold and italicised whilst Emma's are just in italics! I hope it isn't confusing! Let me know if it works!

-Laura xo


Chapter Two

I was still sat in my room two hours later, except now on the laptop, replying to congratulations tweets and tweeting more ecstatic statements like 'I'm about to eat my hair I'm so happy.' Hey, everyone exaggerates on twitter.

A thought suddenly popped into my head. If Niall followed me, I could finally DM him! I can't tell you the number of times I had wished for this, to just send him a private message to tell him I loved him or to tell him to have a great day. My first DM was less thoughtful, though.


Yes, that was my brilliant idea for the first message I would ever send to the boy that had already changed my life. If I had known that he would read it, maybe I would have come up with something else.


When I finally got to the stage where sleep was possible, it was three am. I had to be up for school at seven. I groaned as my phone chimed indicating a new message. I rolled over and lifted up the phone to see the screen tell me I had a new DM from Niall Horan. I grunted before pressing the lock button and placing it back down on my bedside table. As my sleep-filled thoughts finally caught up, I shot up to a sitting position and grabbed the phone.

'Is this real life?" I whispered lamely to myself as the twitter app took seven billion years to load.

Opening my message inbox, it seemed to be true. I had a friggin' message from Niall.

My heart pumped so ferociously as I clicked on the message I thought it might beat out of my chest. My eyes scanned the words on the screen five times over before I could make sense of the fact that he had actually replied to me.

'Needed to save your day didn't I ;) how was detention?'

My heart stuttered and I gasped for air, after having forgotten to breathe. Stupid Niall Horan, he was going to be the death of me before I even got chance to reply to him! Not only had he read my message and messaged me back, he had actually read the tweet begging for a follow, and had remembered it vividly enough to joke about it.

'AND HE PUT A WINKY FACE!' My thoughts screamed as my eyes scanned his words again. There really was a winky face. That actually turned me on a little, sorry not sorry.

My fingers hovered over the keypad, but I didn't know what to write. What do I say to a boy I love more than anything, but haven't even met?! I then remembered he had asked a question. Answering about detention? That I could do.

'Detention sucked. Porno Peeves kept me in extra long. You did save the day though, thankyou so much!x'

To be honest, I didn't expect a reply. I mean, for him to have actually spent the time to message me back once, was literally beyond my wildest dreams. To have him reply a second time, Jesus must really be looking down on me.

Well, it seemed as though it was my lucky day. Jesus must not have been only looking down on me- he must have been standing directly on my head with a massive arrow pointing down to my twitter. Because seconds later, I got a reply.

'Porno Peeves ! Hahaha. I'm glad I saved your day though'

I stared down at my phone in shock. Why was he replying to me?! Desperate to prolong the conversation as much as possible, I typed out another message.

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