Chapter Fifty Five

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Chapter Fifty Five

Time for goodbyes had come to fucking quickly.

I felt my eyes prickle with tears. Seriously? Already Ems? I scolded myself as I took a deep breath, trying to delay the waterworks for as long as possible.

But as soon as Louis wrapped me up in his arms I was a goner. The tears quickly over spilled my eyelids and rolled down my cheeks. I squeezed the Doncaster boy tight, trying to convey how much I would miss him. I loved Louis to pieces; I had since the moment I spoke to him on the phone before I had even met Niall. He was funny, he was loud, he was mischievous but underneath all that was a genuine, loyal boy who had quickly become one of my best friends.

"Love you, Lou." I whispered as I pulled away from him, trying to muster up a smile. Louis smiled back but his eyes were looking watery and I couldn't handle that so I turned away quickly.

Liam and Zayn enveloped me in a three-way hug, and I kissed both of their cheeks as we stood huddled in a circle. They were both amazing people, talented and kind and entertaining and I loved them so much that more fat tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Don't miss me too much," I tried to lighten the mood but Zayn just shook his head at my poor attempt at humour and Liam didn't even bother trying to smile.

I had a stare-off with Harry for about a minute before his icy glare finally crumpled and suddenly he was just a morose-looking boy who was going to miss his friend. I sobbed audibly before closing the distance between us and wrapping my arms around his slim waist. The tall boy pressed a kiss to my head and I felt his tears dampen my hair a little. I was going to miss his random stories and his lame jokes an uncountable amount. Harry had really made a place in my heart and I couldn't imagine not being around him every day.

I reluctantly pulled away from Harry after a few minutes. He nodded his head encouragingly, sensing the despair going on in my head. Because I couldn't believe what I had to do next. Taking a deep breath, I steadied myself and turned around.

There he was. My boyfriend. The Irish boy. The Popstar. Niall. Whatever you wanted to call him. To me? He was simply Perfection.

I didn't really acknowledge the other four boys leaving the room, trying to give us some privacy. My eyes were locked on the boy staring back at me, his eyes as blue as an endless turquoise ocean.

We didn't cry. I think we'd cried enough by this point. We just stared for a while before I was abruptly pushed backwards into the wall and his lips were on mine. We kissed deeply, urgently, passionately, trying to savour each other's mouths whilst tasting as much of each other as possible in the short amount of time we had left.

When my lungs were screaming at me for more air, we detached our lips and rested our foreheads against each other. I didn't open my eyes; just savoured the feeling of his minty breath washing over my face and the feeling of his body pressed against mine. I was going to miss him so much. I was going to miss him more than a plant would miss sunlight, more than Disneyworld would miss its characters, more than Rose missed Jack. I honestly loved him that fucking much.

"I love you," I whispered, so quietly that I thought he might not have heard.

"I love you more," he returned and at that I opened my eyes so I could roll them.

"Bullshit," I said loudly, as we pulled away from each other. Niall laughed but I didn't, because I was concentrating on the way his lips turned upwards and his eyes sparkled.

"Ems. Don't start a fight with me," Niall warned, but his stern tone was ruined by the chuckles that were still escaping his mouth.

"I love you more," I lifted my eyebrows in retaliation, daring him to take me on.

"No you don't! I love you more!" Niall shouted, pushing me back into the wall as he began peppering my skin with kisses, all over my cheeks, my forehead, my nose, my chin, my neck.

"I love you the most!" I yelled as I giggled at the tickling sensation of his lips on the sensitive skin behind my ear.

"I love you!" He bellowed at the top of his lungs before standing back to appreciate the lovebites he had just left around my neck.

"What the fuck is going on?" Louis spoke, his and the other three boys' heads peering around the doorframe anxiously.

"I love him the most," I boasted, smiling brightly at Niall who scowled.

"No she doesn't, I love her more." He poked out his tongue at me.

The other four boys sighed in relief. I frowned, confused, as I went to tangle my fingers with Niall's, refusing to be far from him when I only had a little time left.

"Thought you were breaking up or something," Harry shrugged.

At that, Niall and I laughed. And then Zayn, Liam, Louis and Harry started laughing too because it was so ridiculous. Of course we weren't breaking up. We were doing the exact opposite, actually. Which then made us laugh even more because what kind of weirdos argued and shouted at each other about who loved each other more? We definitely had a dysfunctional relationship.

"You guys want a picture?" Cal popped his head in, shaking the camera in his hand.

We jumped into action, Harry lifting Louis up into a bridal position, Zayn sticking his fingers up behind Louis' head, Liam pulling a stupid expression and posing with his snapback. I just grinned. I couldn't do anything but grin because these boys were so stupid but I loved them unconditionally, stupid or not. As Cal pressed the button, Niall suddenly had his tongue on my cheek and swiped a massive wet lick up my face. My nose scrunched up in disgust, and then the flash went off.


"Have a great show!" I yelled over the loud introductory music that had just started. Each boy ran past me, pressing a swift kiss upon my cheek as they ran to their spots under the stage.

Niall walked, rather than ran to me. He had a small smile on his face but I could see the sadness in his eyes.

"Love you," I smiled before pecking his lips. That was it, though. I knew if I allowed myself to deepen the kiss I'd either cry hysterically or latch onto Niall and refuse to leave.

"I'll miss you," Niall whispered, wrapping his arms around me. I rested my cheek on his chest and allowed myself to close my eyes for a second, committing to memory the way his arms felt around my waist, how safe I felt when he was with me.

But then the moment was over and Niall was about to miss his cue so I pulled back and pushed him in the right direction.

"Have a good show, popstar." I smiled, pointing encouragingly to where Liam was beckoning frantically since they were about to be revealed to the crowd as a four-man band rather than a five-man one.

Niall quickly intertwined his fingers with mine, staring down at our tangled hands before smiling. He began to walk away and I didn't let go of his hand until our arms were stretched completely and our fingers were finally forced away from each other.

Our time together was over.

And that was that.


One more chapter left before the final oneeeeee:( Wah.

Just want to thank you guys again for everything. To other people, 6 votes on the last chapter might not mean much but it's more than I have ever expected so thankyou thankyou thankyou!

- Laura xo

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