Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

New Year's Eve rolled around quickly and it was a sick night. No, literally. Evan Peters held a party at his massive house and I drank way too much vodka, vomited, then drank some more. I enjoyed the burning taste as the alcohol raced down my throat and I loved the joyful feeling and confidence it brought. Most of all, I loved its power of making me forget.

School started again on January second and I made sure to put more time in to my work, knowing if I worked hard this was the last year before I could go to Uni and study whatever I wanted. Sophie and Eric broke up about three times in the period between Christmas and school starting, but for now they were together and so our little group was at peace.

My birthday was the second week we were back at school. The mighty eighteenth. Annoyingly, it was a Wednesday so I was at school. Ben brought in a massive chocolate cake and candles and everything and Soph bought me a balloon. We had a mini party in the common room at lunch and Eric managed to steal the stereo from the Abercrombie's corner so we could play the new CD Will got me.

When I got home that night I Skyped my brother before I went out for a meal with my parents after countless birthday phone calls from my aunts and cousins and grandparents and old friends. I went to bed happy having talked to all my loved ones, pretending not to notice the feeling that one special person was missing.


"You excited for tonight?" Ben asked as we walked out of the school gates.

"Buzzing," I grinned at him as we got into his car. Yes, he had finally gotten a car, lucky bastard. I was insanely jealous, but it was awesome that he could drive me around everywhere. I scoffed when he said I was 'just using him for a personal taxi service' but it was kind of true.

Tonight was Friday, so we could finally actually go out to celebrate my birthday. We were going to the new nightclub in town and I was epically excited.

"See you at eight!" I said to Ben, punching his shoulder in thanks as I leaped out his car and up to my front door.

"That hurt, bitch!" He shouted playfully out the open window but I just grinned and gave him a wave before letting myself in the house.

I washed and straightened my hair, and put on the straight black dress Sadie had bought me. I normally wouldn't wear something that short, but hey - I was eighteen now, I could do what I liked! I stuck to minimal make up, knowing that when I danced I would sweat, and wet foundation smeared on your face isn't a good look.

My dad drove me to Ben's with a stern 'be careful, don't drink too much, don't do drugs, don't have an orgy' before he dropped me off. After some pre-drinking games such as 'Never Have I Ever' the taxi picked us up to take us to the club. Remind me never to play that with Benjamin ever again - I never wanted to know that much information about his sex life. I'm shuddering even thinking about all the things he had done.

The club, was insane. When the bouncer ID'd me I flashed him my driving licence proudly, proving I was eighteen. Ben had gotten me a 'IM EIGHTEEN' birthday banner, and the bartenders seemed to take a shine to me (or maybe the banner) and gave me free drinks. Best. Night. Ever. The music was loud and the bass shook the floor. There were grinding bodies everywhere you looked.

By one a.m., I found myself alone on the dance floor, not that I really cared as I swayed my hips to the rhythm. I spotted Sophie and Eric making out near the bar and Ben dancing with some blonde in the corner.

My phone, which was sophisticatedly stuck down my bra, started vibrating and so I stood my hand down my dress, not caring how unladylike it seemed. An unknown number flashed up but I answered anyway, swiping me thumb across the screen.

"Hello?" I shouted loudly over the booming music.

"Ems, you there?" The voice was quiet against the blasting Pitbull song but I heard it as though it was the only sound in the world. And there was only one person with that accent who would call me that nickname.

I panicked.

"Don't hang up, wait, don't put down the phone, I'm going somewhere quiet!" I yelled at the receiver before pushing my way through the dancing crowd, wishing I was Jackie Chan and could just karate kick my way through. I finally made it to a fire exit which was propped open to let in some cool air and slipped out onto the empty street.

I stared down at my phone before raising it cautiously to my ear.

"Hello?" I said hesitantly. It seemed like an eternity before he spoke.

"Hey Ems." And there was that chuckle that I had only heard before on television recordings or YouTube interviews.

"Niall?" I breathed out, my throat closing up.

"Yeah, it's me." He chuckled again and my heart melted and I died. Only joking. But it was close.

"Wha - how did you get my number?" I finally managed to choke out.

"You gave it to me, remember? Before I headed off on tour after those first few days?" And there was his distinctly recognisable Irish accent.

"Oh..." I muttered pathetically. I couldn't believe he was calling me. After weeks of not talking to me, of ignoring my messages and telling me we couldn't be friends. I'm blaming it on the alcohol, but suddenly I was pissed.

"What, you're talking to me now?" I said bitterly, aware that this was the first actual conversation I was having with the boy and I was being a bitch, but I didn't care.

"Ems..." I heard him sigh. "I'm so sorry." And like that, all my anger washed away. My knees were suddenly weak and I sunk down to sit on the curb.

"I miss you," I whispered into the phone. Unable to stop myself, a few tears dripped down my cheeks and I sniffled.

"Oh Emma, shit, don't cry." His voice was filled with remorse, I almost thought he was going to start crying, too. "I am so so sorry, I've missed you so much and I was just being an idiot and I am so sorry. Please, I'm so sorry."

I chuckled and wiped my eyes. "Shut up, Ni, you sound like a broken record."

"There's my girl," he said and my chest filled with warmth at the affection in his voice.

"I've always been your girl," I whispered, so softly I couldn't be sure if he had heard. I almost didn't want him to have heard. "So, why are you calling?" I said, now in a louder tone.

"I missed your birthday," he stated, his voice immensely guilty.

I laughed. "Yeah, you did. Where's my present, eh?"

"I sent it a few days ago, actually!" He exclaimed and my mouth gaped open.

"What? You actually got me a present?!"

"Course I did Ems, you're like my best friend." Niall said seriously. We were silent then for a minute or so, both thinking about how we hadn't been acting like best friends at all.

"Can we just forget all of this?" I finally said. "Forget the past month and a half, pretend it never happened?"

"I've never wanted anything so much in me life," he said hopefully.

"More than you wanted to sell out Croke Park?" I teased and he laughed. It was the best thing I had ever heard.

"Yep," he said, popping the 'p'.

I chuckled. "Okay then Ni, I totally believe you." I said sarcastically before turning more serious. "Look, I want to stay and talk more than you will ever know, but I'm at a club with my friends for my birthday and I need to gather them together so we can get home."

"Okay," Niall said. "How about I call you tomorrow? Is that okay?"

"What happened to not being allowed to give strangers your phone number?" I teased him.

"Well it's a good job you're not a stranger then, isn't it? Have a nice night Ems, be careful!"

"Thanks Ni. I've... I really missed you, y'know?" I said, not wanting to leave the conversation on a downer but desperate to know he wasn't going to disappear again.

"Me too, Ems. I'll call you tomorrow, I promise." I could tell he wasn't lying to me.

"Kay. Speak to you tomorrow Ni, bye."

I just heard him call a cheery 'bye!' before I hung up. Again: Best. Night. Ever.


I made it back home by half two. It had been hell getting all my friends out to the taxi - Sophie and Eric wouldn't detach their mouths long enough to listen to me and Ben's hands were roaming unceremoniously all over a girl's (now a brunette) body. A new revelation - I found Sadie and Will snogging on a sofa. I was happy, he had always fancied her. You would think I would be disappointed to be the only one not getting having a bit of fun, but Niall was talking to me again and that was all I needed.




If you read this, thankyou thankyou thankyou! I love you:)

-Laura xo

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