Chapter Forty Six

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The dedication goes to skater_798 because I owed you one for a while, your comments always make me smile!

Chapter Forty Six

I stared in shock at the boy whose face was only inches from mine. My mind seemed to be going into over-drive, whirring round and round trying to make sense of the words that just left Niall's mouth. I couldn't believe he had just asked me that. Not that I didn't want it; of course I wanted it! I wanted it more than anything.


I didn't realise I'd said the words until Niall's face broke out into the most beautiful smile I had ever seen. His blue eyes sparkled and his pearly whites were shining. And then I grinned, too, because finally finally finally! How long had I been imagining this moment? Over three years? That was a long time to bloody wait and now I couldn't control my excitement.

"Yes!" I repeated, throwing my arms around Niall's neck and pulling his head in close so I could kiss him again.


That night on the tour bus, the boys were all hyped up from their show and it was pretty much anarchy.

I ducked as a pillow whizzed over my head to smack Louis on the side of the face.

"I'll kill you, Niall!" Louis shouted and I flattened myself against the side of the bus just in time to prevent being squished by the running Doncaster boy.

Liam and Andy were yelling at each other over a game of Call of Duty and Harry was messing about with vine on his phone, chuckling every now and then. Zayn was scribbling on a notepad, singing some Usher as he drew what would probably turn out as some masterpiece.

All in all, it sounded like a warzone.

I wasn't quite sure what to do with myself, so I went to sit by Harry, who was now on twitter. When I flopped down on the leather sofa next to him I caught a glance of his timeline, which he suspiciously pulled away from me. I narrowed my eyes as I looked up at his face; he was avoiding my eyes like the plague.

"Harry," I warned, letting him know I was on to him. He blushed and pulled his phone protectively back over to him. Now, everyone knows that Harry is the worst liar possibly in the entire world. "What's going on?" I pushed, elbowing him in the side. He didn't reply, but his eye twitched like he was trying not to give in. "It's something on twitter about me, isn't it?"

Harry bit his lip nervously and in a flash stuffed his phone down his jeans (I wasn't quite sure how, I mean they're so damn tight. It must be like the Tardis down there or something).

"I'm not afraid to go down there," I threatened, reaching my hand over as if I was about to reach down his pants. He jumped nervously and thrust the phone into my outstretched hand.

The damage wasn't as bad as I thought - crap about how I was probably cheating on Niall with Louis and how I was too fat to be dating a popstar. I had to give them credit - I had only found out I was dating Niall a couple of hours ago and they had seen it coming since I arrived. They seemed to have been digging and had found out quite a lot about me; #NiallandEmma was now a worldwide trend. I cringed at that, because I hated the thought that thousands of people's attention was on me. I literally shivered at the thought.

The one insult that really got to me was the one about how I wasn't good enough for Niall. My face paled a little as I scrolled down the people discussing it. I normally wasn't too sensitive, but it was the fact that I kind of thought they were right. I knew I wasn't good enough for Niall, he was like the most perfect guy on earth and I couldn't comprehend why he liked me.

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