Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

I was bombarded with school work as November rolled by quickly and December approached. We didn't have January exams, but the teachers decided to prepare us with mock exams anyway. Maths, Biology and English were already over, but my dreaded chemistry exam was the next day.

'I can't fucking do chemistry a level I might as well quit now' I typed out angrily to poor Niall who had been patiently listening to me rant for the past half hour.

'Calm down babe, you'll do fine !'

The 'babe' thing had started a few weeks earlier, and I was certainly not complaining.

'Im sorry Ni, I've been so whiny the past few weeks. After tomorrow's over, I'll be all jolly until Christmas I promise'

'And then your birthday after that !'

I grinned, as if he had remembered that.

'Yep, January 8th!'

'Got to go for soundcheck, playin in Berlin tonight then out to party ! Bye Ems, let me know how your chem exam goes xx'

'Have fun Nialler, I will xx'

I did some last minute revision before drifting to sleep, dreaming that I was out clubbing with Niall instead of stressing about a stupid pretend test.


I was sat in the common room before the mock. I was so nervous, which was irrational because it didn't count for anything. Benjamin, who had annoyingly been graced with both good looks and intelligence, smirked at me.

"Nervous?" He grinned smugly.

I turned my back to him, scowling. To pass the time, I unlocked my phone and opened twitter. To my surprise, the whole fandom was talking about Niall. In a panic, my mind filled with horrific assumptions that something bad had happened to him and my heart started to beat frantically.

'WHAT'S GOING ON WITH NIALL WHY IS EVERYONE PANICKING IM WORRIED' I tweeted, knowing one of my followers would fill me in.

They did just a few seconds later, no words, just sent me a photo. A photo of Niall kissing a girl in a club. Not innocently, either. Their bodies pressed closely together, her hands roaming over my Niall's... I mean Niall's face and hair.

My heart stuttered and felt heavy in my chest. An overbearing sense of sadness filled my veins as I stared at the screen. I locked my phone quickly, not wanting to see any more.

I knew it was illogical of me to feel upset. We weren't together, Niall and I. We were just friends. I shouldn't be disappointed or angry that he kissed a girl, he was allowed to kiss girls. He could kiss as many girls as he wanted, see how I cared! I knew that wasn't really what I thought though, I obviously did care. I cared way too much.

It was safe to say, the exam went terribly. My mind was filled with that photo of Niall and that girl and I could imagine her boasting to all her friends that she kissed Niall Horan. I didn't detect the emotion I was feeling until my sight turned green, it was jealousy. Pure, unrivalled jealousy. I answered only half the questions on the mock exam, and only half-heatedly at that. I felt betrayed too, which was almost worse than the crippling jealousy. And then I felt angry at myself because I had no right to feel betrayed. I was a war zone of emotion.

I left school staight after the exam, not wanting to stick around and chat with my friends. I heard Benjamin call after me worriedly but I walked off as if I hadn't heard him. The bus ride home was depressing. Sometimes I would send Niall a message, making up pretend stories about the pensioners on the bus like how one had a gun hiding in their zimmer frame and how another cartwheeled down the aisle. But that day I didn't.

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