Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

The coach trip home was long and boring. Benjamin kept giving me weird glances obviously wanting more information about the Niall-is-mystery-boy plot twist. Fortunately, he eventually fell asleep with his head mushed against the window. The kind and loving friend I am, I let him be (after taking a photo and setting it as his Facebook profile picture).

The coach dropped us at school at about four and I grabbed my small bag before walking the shortcut home because Ben had football practice so I couldn't get a lift. I tried calling my mum, but her voicemail told me her and my dad were 'having a few cheeky drinks out in Ireland woooooo. If you need us don't call!'. They never even told me they were going on holiday. Charming.

I turned down the alley for the underpass but there seemed to be a group of suspicious-looking, hood-wearing chavs hanging around and there was no way I was walking through that. I could catch a disease just looking at them.

Instead, I turned around and stepped into the road.

And was hit by a car.

I'm not even joking.

The impact of the car threw me a few metres backwards and I hit the road with a loud 'Umph'. Thankfully, the car had only been going fifteen miles an hour and my trusty rucksack cushioned my back from most of the damage. So no life flashing before my eyes or anything. But I did sustain a nasty jump to my head which I can tell you, hurt a fucking lot.

Much to my embarrassment, an ambulance was called because the car driver insisted.

At the hospital, I was poked and prodded and x-rayed and everything imaginable for three whole hours. Snore. And then because I had concussion, they wanted to keep me overnight to 'make sure I didn't fall asleep and die.' Yes, the prick doctor actually said the word 'die' to someone who'd just hit their head and was pretty tired and emotional anyway. I pretended not to hyperventilate but when he left the room I panicked and grabbed my phone and did the one thing that came to mind. Which was obviously to talk to Niall.

"Hey babe! Miss me already?" His Irish accent came through the speakers and I wanted to cry because I loved his accent and what if it was the last time I heard it?! (I was overreacting, but you can't blame me because I was hit by a friggin' car).

"Niall I was hit by a car and I love your accent and I'm in the hospital and I love you and thankyou for meeting me yesterday and you're one of my best friends and I liked your crooked teeth when you were on X factor and I think I'm dying." I said all in the space of one breath.

Naturally, that freaked Niall out a little. "What?! You're in the hospital?! A fucking car hit you, oh my god!" He shouted very loudly and I pulled the phone away from my ear because I already had a headache.

"Shut up, Ni. I've lived a happy life." I said, calmly now.

"Emma what the hell happened?!" Niall said, more quiet but still overwhelmingly panicked.

"I got hit by a car and I'm fine but I hit my head on the road." I said, still calm even though Niall was now the one that sounded like he was hyperventilating.

"Are - you - okay?" He said very slowly, pronouncing all the syllables carefully as if talking to a deaf ninety year old.

"Yes - Niall - I - am - fine." I mimicked his patronising tone.

"Fucking hell, Em." He growled. "You scared the life out of me."

"I've got to stay in the dentists over night!" I whined suddenly. "And I want a puppy."

I was confused when I heard Niall's familiar chuckle. "Ems, how much pain medication did they give you?"

I frowned. "Um..." Thinking about it, he had a point. "Quite a lot I think." I said and then hiccuped.

Niall laughed again before his voice turned serious. "But seriously, are you okay? Do you have everything you need?"

"Yeah I guess." I grumbled moodily. "Although my parents went away so I don't have pyjamas."

"Your parents went away?" His voice was sharp.

"Yeah. But they're never around anyway so who cares." I muttered even though I did kind of care a lot. "I'm gunna sleep now, Ni. I'm sleepy." I hung up the phone quickly before my head hit the pillow and I was out like a light.


They discharged me the next morning. I had a nasty egg-shaped lump on the back of my head but apart from that I was good and I took a taxi home, not knowing that I had a surprise waiting for me.

Well, it would have been a better surprise if he had hidden his massive Range Rover somewhere other than in the middle of my driveway.

I gasped when I saw it, and the taxi driver asked worriedly if I needed to go back to the hospital and started turning frantically in the road. I stopped him quickly, paid the fare and ran to the sleek car. I cupped my hands and looked through the window, expecting to see my favourite Irish boy. But he wasn't in the car like I expected. I narrowed my eyes and looked at the front door. Could he... No, he couldn't have gotten into the house. I was certain of it. But, I pushed down on the door handle and sure enough, it swung open.

"Hello?" I called out nervously, feeling like an intruder in my own house. There was no reply, so I quickly searched the rooms downstairs. Again, nothing. I walked quietly up the stairs, fatigue hitting me even though there were only thirteen steps. I walked immediately to my room, suddenly sensing he was there.

And sure enough, there was a sausage shaped lump under my duvet.

'NIALL HORAN IS IN YOUR BED!' My mind screamed at me but I kept quiet. I tiptoed over to the bed, (praising the lord that my One Direction duvet cover was in the wash) and pulled back the sheets to reveal Niall's peaceful sleeping face resting on my pillow. I just stared at him creepily for a few seconds, memorising the way he looked when he was sleeping. And then, my tired body took over from my mind and I pulled my jeans off, slipping on some pyjama shorts before climbing in beside Niall, curling up to his side but being careful not to wake him, and fell straight to sleep.


Was this chapter annoyingly short? I feel like it was so I'm sorry, I'll post the next one very soon:)

School's such a drag I want to jump out the window.

I hope you all have a nice day! Leave me a comment if you'd like?;)
-Laura x

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