Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

It was safe to say, the next morning at school I was absolutely fucking knackered.

'Emma, you look like shit.' Sadie said as I flopped down face first on the leather sofa in the common room at lunch. My friends laughed and nodded in agreement.

'Jeez thanks guys, way to make me feel better.' I grumbled, pouting.

'Up all night having wild hot sex?' Benjamin joked.

'Yes, actually.' I fired back, poking my tongue out at him.

My friends re-engaged in a conversation about the best way to eat eggs. Normally, I was all about food, I was constantly hungry. But today, I was just too tired to care. Benji seemed to notice that I wasn't my normal self, and grabbed my hand, hauling me up off the comfy sofa and out of the common room.

'Get off I'm tired' I whined as he pulled me out into the cold.

'Well you won't be in a second,' he said winking at me.


A trip to the Tesco down the road and four Red Bulls later, I decided Ben was right- I wasn't tired. I was bouncing off the walls in fact.

'I love life!' I screamed as I bounced on the sofa like it was a trampoline. That earned me some funny looks from the popular group sat in the corner.

'You guys are making me sick,' I giggled at Sophie and Eric who were... Let's say getting pretty horizontal on the sofa opposite me.

I stayed in this high mood until chemistry which was my first lesson after lunch. I settled down next to Adam Eve, and started laughing at his name, even though I'd known him for years.

About fifteen minutes though, I was staring down at the worksheet in utter confusion. It might as well have been Latin because I had no idea what the fuck it said. So when I felt my phone vibrate in my bag against my leg, I fished around for it, eager for a distraction.

"Sir, I'm feeling really ill. Like really really ill. I'm probably going to be sick, I need the nurse," I said, running past my teacher with my bag slung on my shoulders hastily. I just was just able to hear him mutter an 'Um okay' as I ran past him and down the corridor.

I didn't stop running till I was down the stairs, out the building, out of the school grounds and across the road into the bus station. There I finally stopped, panting, and sat down on a bench, pulling my phone out of my pocket.

'Mornin Emma !' It said. My heart accelerated as I looked at it and smiled. I couldn't believe he was talking to me again. I couldn't believe he had started the conversation! There had been no way I was staying in chemistry when I could be talking to Niall.

'I hope that doesn't mean you've only just woken up, Niall' I replied.

The reply came almost instantly.

'It's only quarter to two !'

'And I've only been in school since half eight!'

'Made it to your lessons then?;)'

'Kind of;)'

'Two can play at that game Horan,' I thought as I added the winky face.

'So aren't you in a lesson now?'

'Er free period?'

'Haha liar !'

I giggled down at my phone, receiving a weird stare from the homeless man sat on the bench across from me. He had no right to be giving me weird stares, he was homeless and yet he had a trumpet?! I'm pretty sure I wasn't the weird one.

'I am no liar. I just have a free period because I told my teacher I was ill. Which I suppose I am, thanks to you keeping me up all night'

'That makes it sound like we were having a one night stand;)'

I blushed furiously at his reply, even though he couldn't see me and I knew he was only joking. Even the idea of having sex with Niall filled my cheeks with red. Not that I hadn't thought about it before... But now I was actually talking to him, it made me feel guilty, like it was against his permission for me to think like that.

'Niall! That's all it was to you?! A one night stand? After all we've been through, I thought I was worth more than that! *sobs*'

When I didn't get a rely in the next few minutes or so, I got worried. Not everyone understood my sense of humour. Hell, sometimes I didn't even understand my sense of humour. I didn't get a message back until I was on the bus and halfway home, chewing my nails to smithereens.

'Hahaha !'

I stared down at the most recent message half relieved, half disappointed. I was glad he'd found it funny and he understood I was teasing him, but then it seemed kind of like a conversation stopper. And I was nothing if not determined to carry on this conversation.

'So what were you doing up so late last night? Out partying?'

I knew he hadn't been out to a club because I would have seen the pictures, but I needed something to get him talking.

'Nope, stayed in and watched some film on itv'

My heart softened at his reply, I can't tell you how many times I had dreamed of just being snuggled on a sofa with Niall, a cheesy movie playing as I laid my head on his chest.

Actually, thinking back to it...

'Wait... Wasn't Bridget Jones the movie playing on itv last night?!'

'What no'

I started laughing out loud, even though I was sat on my own in the middle of the bus, pensioners staring at me.

'Hahahaha Niall I'm laughing so hard'

'Ssh don't tell anyone, it's a good movie !'

'Hahahaha I could make millions by selling it to the papers;)'

At that point I hopped off the bus and walked around the corner to my house. I hadn't even bothered packing my key - I had left it under the plant pot so it would always be there to let me in. I unlocked the house, thanking Jesus that my parents didn't finish work until after school was out, so they wouldn't know I was skipping.

I checked my phone, but Niall hadn't replied.

'You know I'm joking, right?'

When he didn't reply again, I decided that I better get on with some homework whilst I wasn't distracted.

My English assignment was an essay on the Great Gatsby... Oh shit. I knew I had forgotten something over the summer! Well, in my defence, I had been doing alot of reading; although that mainly consisted of fanfics and I was pretty sure my English teacher wouldn't class smut as a piece of classic literature.

Sighing, I flopped down on my bed and pulled my laptop closer to me. Watching the film was just as beneficial as reading the book, right?

I only made it a quarter of the way through before I fell asleep, my legs sprawled at awkward angles and my laptop resting on my stomach.

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