Chapter Fifty Three

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Chapter Fifty Three

"So you're coming home on Tuesday?" My dad repeated for the fifth time.

"Yep," I said, trying to sound cheerful but failing miserably.

I couldn't believe this day had come already. I didn't want to leave Niall, I didn't want to leave Louis and Harry and Luke. I didn't want to leave America and it's amazing pancake houses. I didn't want to leave behind the amazing concerts that blew my kind every single night. I didn't want to go back to that stupid empty house and lie in bed alone at night when I was so used to that silly Irish boy poking my side or tangling my legs with his.

You can probably tell I felt very strongly about this.

"Okay well I'll see you in four days then!" My dad sounded happy I was coming home. That made one of us, I supposed.

"Kay, bye." I hung up quickly, not being able to bear talking about the dreaded day any longer.

"You okay?" Niall said, noticing my bitter expression. He was sat next to me on the leather sofa on the tour bus, playing with my fingers.

"Just great." My sarcastic words were sour and I threw my phone onto the sofa opposite, angry at the inanimate object for no reason at all.

Niall sighed. "Baby, you don't want to go home, I don't want you to go home.."

"I don't want you to go home!" Louis cut in, obviously listening in from his place in his bunk.

"So why are you?!"

I sighed at my boyfriend's argument that I had heard thirty times that day already. "Ni, I have to go back! I have to, it's not because I want to."

"But whyyyyyy?" The blonde boy whined, pouting like a toddler.

"So I can get my A-Level results. So I can see whether I got into uni or not. So I can go to uni!"

Niall mumbled something under his breath, something he did when he had no comeback. I knew he couldn't argue with me; he would never tell me not to go to university even if he wanted me to stay. Even I had thought a couple of times about deferring until the next year, staying with Niall for the next few months. But I knew I couldn't do that. It wouldn't be fair to either of us, however much we wanted it. I owed it to myself to go to university and get the best education possible, especially after working so hard in the sixth form the past two years. And Niall deserved to finish the tour with his bandmates, without me hanging around all the time.

"I don't want you to go," Niall whispered, pulling me onto his lap. I squeaked as I almost fell backwards onto the ground, but Niall's strong arms wrapped around my waist and stopped me moments before I would have hit the floor, hoisting me up so I was straddling him. He was always saving me - and not just from clumsy trips or papparazi, he had honestly saved me. I was so happy now he was in my life, I don't think I realised how unhappy I had been before, when I would sit alone on my bed for hours, pining over photos of him on the internet.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and quickly leaned forward to peck his lips. "I don't want to go either," I said, our lips still brushing.

And then Niall connected our mouths properly, our tongues dancing and our breaths mingling. I pressed my body right against his, giggling when his hands squeezed my bum cheeks gently. I loved him so much and I wanted nothing more than to always be with him, to always be able to kiss his delicious lips and fall asleep with my head on his chest.

And then, right in the middle of our slightly heated kiss, I started crying. Way to go, Ems!


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