Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

I woke up on time the next morning and got to school ten minutes early. That didn't mean I was in a good mood, though.

I shook my head when Benjamin sat down next to me and offered me some Haribo.

"What's got your knickers in a twist this morning?" He said, sensing my irritable mood.

"Nothing," I snapped before sighing. "Sorry, my inner bitch is just making its way out. Wanna go to the gym tonight?" I knew I would need to keep myself busy to stop myself pining over Niall. Which was ridiculous, since we had never met and had only talked a couple of times.

"Nah can't be bothered, movie at mine?" Ben said and I agreed gratefully, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Hey Ben," Maddie said, walking past with her friends. She glared at me so I kept my head on his shoulder to annoy her even more.

"Hi babe," Ben smirked at her. When she had walked past, I lifted my head and looked at him, raising my eyebrows.

"I asked her out last night," my best friend said in answer to my questioning expression. I groaned quietly and threw my head back on the cushion.

"Why can't you pick nice girls?" I muttered at him and he laughed, ruffling my hair.

"Because they're no fun," he said smugly and I cringed a little at his hinting tone before checking my phone again, knowing I wouldn't have a message. Niall had tweeted a few hours ago:

'About to fly ! Goodbye England, hello Europe !'

So I knew he was gone. I pocketed my phone and willed the school day over so I could go to Ben's and spend the night relaxing and stuffing my face.


I walked to Ben's straight after school, nabbing one of his pairs of sweats to wear instead of my hideous school skirt. I went through the photos of Niall arriving at the airport on twitter whilst Ben ordered a pizza. Niall looked as perfect as always, although I cursed him for wearing those damn Ray Bans because he looked so god damn hot. I hadn't tweeted as much the past few days, and some people had noticed. I just felt a little weird now that me and Niall were... Friends? I don't know. But I just felt like I couldn't obsess over how I wanted to rip his shirt off all the time when I'd been talking to the aforementioned person.

When someone knocked at the door, Ben shouted 'shotgun!' so with a huff I hurried to get the door. I pulled open the door but instead of our usual delivery guy Bob (we eat alot of pizza), Maddie stood there, hair up on the top of her head like a pineapple and makeup plastered all over her annoyingly pretty face.

"Uh, what are you doing here?" She said bitterly.

"I was about to ask you the same thing," I muttered as I heard Ben's footsteps behind me.

"Ah Mads, come in!" He said, grinning at her. I saw Bob's car pull in the driveway and went out to pay him and grab the pizza. I paused outside the front door on the way back, hearing hushed voices.

"I thought we were having... You know alone time?" Maddie whined.

"Yeah but she's my best friend and I want you both to get to know each other," Ben said in his persuading voice. I stepped back into the house, making myself known, and set the pizza on the sofa.

"S'gunna be a looooong night," I grumbled under my breath.

I was right about the long night thing. We watched the fifth Harry Potter after a big argument (I won) and Maddie pissed me off for not even showing a tiny bit of remorse when Sirius Black dies. Not even when the music goes silent and Harry's screaming and crying. I'm a nerd; Harry Potter's a soft spot for me and she didn't even show the slightest bit of interest. I thought it would annoy Ben too, he liked Harry Potter as much as I did and I knew for a fact the fifth film was his favourite, but he seemed to find Maddie's whining... Endearing?

He must like her more than I realised, I thought. I headed home about eight, leaving Ben and Maddie to explore each others' mouths.


Friday went slowly and so did the weekend. I spent it doing homework and browsing twitter. I checked my messages way too often, still managing to get my hopes up every time, only to have them crushed when I had no new message from Niall. I could have sent him one first, but he said he we'd talk when he found an Internet connection, so I didn't want to push it.

It was Sunday night when I finally heard from him. I was lying on my stomach on the living room floor, watching The only Way is Essex whilst my dad mocked everything the people on the screen said. My phone chimed and I ignored it, too busy laughing at the sheer dumbness of one of the characters. When it went off again a few minutes later, I pulled it over from its spot on the floor almost absentmindedly. My mouth flew open as I found the two new messages from Niall and I leaped off the floor and up the stairs fast enough to win an Olympic gold, to collapse on my bed.

'Emma ! How are you?' The first message said.

'Emmmmmaaaaaaaaaaa' the second said and I laughed at his whinyness.

'Calm down Niall, I'm not ignoring you! Didn't give me time to reply did ya ;)'

'Sorry ! Thought you'd be glad to hear from me but if not i can just go...'

I pouted even though he couldn't see.

'Stop it! You know I always want to hear from you! How's Europe?'

'The first show was sick ! What's new with you?'

So we spent the next hour informing each other of what was going on in our lives. He told me about the boys' teasing because he didn't have any tattoos and I pretty much begged him to hold his ground, he didn't need them. I told him all about Maddie and school, and I was pretty sure I should have bored him but he seemed genuinely interested, helping me plan out ways to scare her off (as a joke of course; I would never actually sabotage Ben's relationship).

I couldn't believe he had remembered to send me a message; I had been pretty sure he must have forgotten my existence.

We said goodbye around eleven and I made him promise he'd send me a message next time he got wifi, not caring that I sounded desperate. I was desperate. He promised, and I logged out.

"Who made you go all..." My dad mimed me waving my hands around frantically as I joined him back on the sofa.

"Noone," I said, but couldn't help the giddy grin that was plastered all over my face. My dad gave me a look and began to tickle me all over my sides. I shrieked as I writhed under his grasp.

"A friend! It was a friend!" I choked out when he finally stopped torturing me.

I smiled as I went to sleep that night. Because Niall and I really were friends. And that was more than I could ever have hoped for.


Sorry this chapter was boring. I cut it short because I've been trying to make all the chapters relatively similar sizes but I've been failing miserably. The next chapter will be better, promise!



-(a very hyperactive)Laura xo

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