Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty

Ben dropped me off at the train station the next morning.

"Thanks Benji," I said as he walked me to the platform and put down my suitcase (which weighed more than an African elephant).

"Come 'ere." He grabbed me and pulled me into his arms forcefully. "I feel like I'm shipping off my own child," he pretended to sniffle. I hugged him tightly before we pulled away.

"Love you Ben." I said and he scrunched up his nose because we were never serious around each other and feelings were just not something we liked to talk about.

"Hmm, you too loser." He managed and I laughed. "Text me, okay? And I'll be right there if you need me."

"What, you'll fly to America?" I scoffed.

"Yeah!" Ben said, offended. "Well... Okay, maybe not. I don't have that kind of dosh. And I could probably teach Niall a lesson if he upsets you, but not that Liam kid... He's got some skill and he's stacked! So don't piss him off, okay?" He joked, elbowing me.

"Kay." I grinned, giving Ben a last hug before turning my suitcase to the train. I was only going away for a few weeks and we were acting like we would never see each other again.

"Snapchat me if you meet some hot celebs!" Ben shouted after me and I flipped him off as a goodbye gesture before getting onto the train.

I plugged in my headphones, and let the soothing tunes of Kanye West fill my ears. Okay, he wasn't exactly soothing but I liked to nod my head along to the music and pretend I was some kind of gangster from 'da ghetto'. I just ignored the weird stares the old ladies opposite me at the table were giving me.

It took just over two hours on the train to get into Kings Cross. As much I insisted that Niall didn't need to pick me up, he wouldn't take no as an answer. In all honesty, I was just worried. I knew how crazy the fans are (I was one of them, after all) and I didn't want him to get mobbed. I also didn't want to end up on the front page of Hello! Magazine. I was nervous about the paps thing, but I hadn't brought it up to Niall before, I didn't want him to worry about me. I wasn't good with attention and even though I didn't act like it a lot, I was actually really shy. I was okay around my friends who I had known for years, and I had gotten to know Niall by messaging long before I had met him, so I wasn't timid around him either. But I was, to be blunt, absolutely shitting myself about meeting his other friends, especially the other band members. I was insecure and worried that they would hate me or something. Or that I'd be so starstruck I would pass out, which was actually quite probable.

Nevertheless, Niall text me saying he was waiting as the train pulled into the station. Excitement filled my veins and I rushed to stand next to the door of the train before it had even stopped moving so I was the first one out. I stepped onto the platform and walked along to the exit, pulling my suitcase behind me.

And there he was, stood just behind the barrier. He was wearing those cut off grey sweats he loves so much and his white hightops. He also had on his ran bans and a snapback with the hood of his green sweatshirt pulled over the top as a disguise, I supposed. Not that he looked very inconspicuous. I could smell the popstarness even from where I was stood. Luckily, he was alone and no one else seemed to have noticed him stood there. I grinned as I walked up to the barrier and when he noticed me he waved excitedly, a beam filling his face. I still couldn't believe that perfect smile was created because of me. I hurriedly fitted my ticket into the machine and it let me through to the other side. Niall didn't wait for me to make my way over to him, he came jogging over and I dropped my arm from my suitcase just in time as he swept me off my feet, spinning me in a circle before putting me on the ground.

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