Chapter Forty Five

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Chapter Forty Five

A couple of hours later, soundcheck was over and Niall and I were strolling around the empty arena, our hands interlocked and our shoulders occasionally bumping together.

"Ni, I need to apologise for last night." I said quietly as we walked around the aisles between the seats. Niall turned his head to look at me and he squeezed my fingers.

"You don't need to apologise. We were both being stupid." He said, letting out a small chuckle but I didn't feel like laughing. I had been such a bitch.

"No, I do. I know now you weren't dancing with that girl, I was overreacting and I was drunk and I guess just a bit... insecure." I admitted. Niall stopped walking and grabbed my shoulders, turning me to face him but I was looking everywhere but his eyes.

"Hey, look at me." He said softly, his finger lifting my chin so I was forced to meet his gaze. "Why would you be insecure?" He frowned, as if he honestly didn't realise why.

I did chuckle then, because he obviously didn't understand how special he was. "Because you're you, Niall. You're amazing and I'm just... well, normal. I'm nothing special and I guess I just saw you dancing with that girl and thought that you'd rather have someone more like her than me.

Niall shook his head at that, looking deadly serious which was a look I didn't see him wearing often. "You're crazy, Ems. I'm in love with you. You. I don't want anyone else. And you are special - you're mad and funny and random and everything that I love."

"Jeez, thanks." I snorted at what I think was meant to be a compliment.

"No, I mean it. I love you and I would never look at another girl when I've got you." He lifted his hand to my face and brushed his thumb over my cheek. I couldn't resist but lean into his touch.

"I love you," I whispered. Normally, I didn't like talking about feelings and all that crap. But this was serious and I had never meant anything more than those three words. Niall grinned and leaned forward, brushing his lips over mine. My heart went crazy even just from that gentle touch and I couldn't help the smile that spread over my face.

We started walking again, swinging our hands back and forth in a comfortable silence. We walked past all the seats, and soon we reached the lobby. There was a man sorting out the merchandise stand and I pulled Niall to a halt suddenly when I spotted the new t-shirts spread out on display.

"Niaaaaaaall," I pleaded, smirking mischievously.


An hour before the boys were meant to be on stage I was all decked out in my new outfit. I had one of the new merch shirts, the boys' faces smiling out underneath a big 'ONE DIRECTION'. Lou had tied my hair in high bunches, which looked absolutely ridiculous but that was kind of the point. I then had '1D' written on both of my cheeks in eyeliner and a couple of love hearts next to my eyes.

"You look..." Niall frowned, his eyes going up and down my body. "...Weird?"

I smacked him playfully. "Hey! I look like all the other girls out there! This is how I would be if I was at the show and not with the band."

Niall shrugged. "Exactly. And it's weird." He took my hand in his. "Are you sure you want to watch from out there? You can stay backstage again, it's no hassle."

I rolled my eyes; Louis had said exactly the same thing. It was cute that they were being protective and all, but nothing bad was going to happen to me whilst I was stood in the crowd at their own show. After all, out there was my rightful place- cheering at the five boys on the stage with all the other fans. I didn't belong backstage with the important people. I knew they were just worried that people would recognise me, and I would be mobbed by angry teenagers demanding for me to leave Niall alone.

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