Chapter Fifty Four

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Chapter Fifty Four

I had always hated Mondays. I mean, who didn't? The day you had to get up for school or work and force yourself out of bed, back to boring reality after a brilliant weekend. I had had many awful Mondays in my lifetime. Ones that I never wanted to relive. But this particular Monday? This Monday could set itself on fire and throw itself off a cliff; I was dreading it that much.

Because this Monday was the day I had to leave.

Saying I didn't want to go home was a fucking understatement. I would have gladly handcuffed myself to the tour bus and swallowed the key so I didn't have to leave. But I knew I had to. And I just had to suck it up and be a man. Well... a girl, but you get my flow.

My flight was at midnight, so at least I got to spend the day with the boys.

I woke up with my feet tangled with Niall's, my face in between his chin and shoulder. I woke up early, but didn't move for a long time. I wanted to take every little detail in, to memorise every smell and every touch so that later, when the inevitable came and I was lying in bed at home alone, crying my eyes out because I missed my boyfriend, I could think back to this perfect moment. I would remember the way Niall looked so young as he slept, the way the steady movement of his chest lulled me into a sleepy daze, the way his hold tightened around me even when he was unconscious. I wanted to remember the way his eyelashes fluttered when he finally awoke, the way his blue eyes sparkled when he saw me next to him, the way his voice was lower and his accent thick whilst he shook himself awake.

Niall was quiet that morning. The way that he was so cut up about me leaving hurt me more than actually leaving.

Louis and Harry's last attempt at getting me to stay was to each cling onto one of my ankles so I had to drag them around the floor if I wanted to move. However, I accidentally kicked Harry in the chin when I tried to walk to get a glass of water and after Louis decided he didn't want the same fate, they both let go, trying the glare-at-her-and-hope-she-promises-to-stay technique instead.

We arrived at the hotel the boys would be staying at for the next few days just before midday. Niall picked up my suitcase, ready to take it in with him like usual before Zayn quietly informed him that my bag might as well stay on the bus, and the look on his face was heart-breaking.

"Ni." My voice was full of pure sadness when I found Niall in his room instead of downstairs with the boys at lunch. It was completely out of character for him, normally he would have already been on his second helpings by now.

The blonde boy had his back to me as I closed the door but I still noticed the way his hands went up to rub his face before he turned around. And if that hadn't hinted that he'd been crying, then his red-rimmed eyes did.

"Oh baby," I whispered before throwing myself into his arms. He didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around me and despite the height difference, he began sniffling into my shoulder. And for once, I didn't cry. I didn't let my emotions get the best of me even though it felt like someone had punched through my ribcage and was squeezing my heart in their fist. I had to be the strong one for once. For once, I wanted to be the comforting one, to repay Niall for all the times he had been strong for me.

So I stood and rubbed his back, and whispered soothing words of how much I loved him, and how everything would be alright even though I didn't know for sure that it would be.

"Sorry," Niall muttered as he finally pulled out of my arms and rubbed his eyes with his knuckles, looking like an adorable toddler.

"You don't need to apologise. I've cried on your shoulders enough times."

Niall chuckled a little. "Yeah, but I'm a man. I'm not meant to cry."

I scoffed, trying to lighten the mood. "You? A man? Your chicken legs beg to differ."

My teasing worked and Niall cracked a proper smile. "I'll get you for that!" He shouted before launching himself at me and knocking me backwards onto the bed. He straddled me and started tickling my sides as I writhed and gasped for air.

"Tell me my legs are manly." Niall smirked from on top of me.

"Never!" I choked out, my lungs screaming for more air but I refused to surrender.

Niall just shrugged his shoulders as if to say 'your loss' and continued his attack, his nimble fingers dancing across my sensitive skin as I wheezed before finally yelling: "F-f-fine! Your-your legs are so manly!"

Immediately, Niall stopped and rolled off me so I could breathe properly. It took a good two minutes for me to regain my breath properly and all the while, Niall was smirking smugly like the cocky twat he was.

"I'll get you for this," I growled under my breath and threw myself on top of him, this time me doing the straddling. I pecked his lips once, just because they looked so inviting, and then moved my mouth to his neck, grazing my teeth over his skin before nipping and sucking until I was sure there would be a sufficiently prominent mark left. Even though I was leaving, even though I wouldn't be around, even though I wouldn't see Niall for god knows how long, this mark was my final warning to let everyone know that the Irish boy was mine.

I swiped my tongue over Niall's now tender spot and sat up to inspect it.

"Marking your territory, huh?" Niall grinned. I laughed at his words - he knew me too well.

"Would you rather I peed on you like a dog?" I winked and finally, there was his signature laugh, the goofy, genuine one that I contemplated recording and setting as my alarm sound so I could wake up to Niall laughing every morning.

We could have made out or taken each other's clothes off, but instead, for the next hour, we just lay together. I just wanted to have him close, and he seemed to feel the same way. So we just enjoyed each other's company and each other's warmth and each other's breath on our necks.

It was Louis who eventually barged in and broke up our cuddling session. I don't know why I was even surprised by this point, that damn Doncaster boy had interrupted almost every intimate moment Niall and I had found ourselves in, even before we got together.

"Time for soundcheck!" The feathery-haired boy yelled unnecessarily and he started back out the door, but quickly changed his mind and sprinted over to jump on Niall and I on the bed.

"Jesus Christ" I groaned as Louis' elbow jabbed my uncomfortably in the stomach.

"Just like old times, eh Ems?" Louis grinned and even though I felt like I might vomit if his elbow remained in my gut much longer I couldn't help but laugh. I really was going to miss him, even if I wouldn't miss his painful urges of jumping on me.


I sat on one of the seats in the back of the arena whilst I watched soundcheck. Normally I would play Xbox with Luke but I needed some time just to calm myself, to prepare myself for later. Plus, I was going to miss half the concert later and there was no way I was passing up the opportunity to watch Niall sing Moments one last time.

"Make sure you look after Niall, okay?" I said quietly to Liam while we were sat in the dressing room, Niall and Louis throwing a ball around dangerously close to Lou's head as she styled Harry's curls.

"You don't even need to ask." Liam said, kissing my temple. I sighed in relief, knowing I could rely on him. I had been worrying about Ni, knowing that he wasn't happy about me leaving but I knew the boys wouldn't let him mope around like he would want and I was thankful for that.

"Boys, on in twenty!" Paul shouted into the room. "Have a safe flight, Emma. See you soon, yeah?" The tall man leaned down to wrap me in a quick hug before jogging off to make sure everything was set for the show. I didn't even bother replying to his question because I didn't have an answer.

I stood up from the sofa and turned to face the boys. They seemed to sense something serious was coming and suddenly they were deadly silent. It was kind of funny, actually. The one time I could actually get the boys to listen to me and it was to say something that I really didn't want to say.

"Well..." I sighed, looking round at the five faces that were staring intently at me. "I guess it's time to say goodbye."


Emma's leaving:( Sad times guys, sad times.


I had always envisioned this as a single story. Just twenty chapters or so and that's it. But it's got a lot bigger than I expected and I'm really really sad that's it ending. I never wanted to do a sequel because I feel like I might drag it on and the story would lose its originality. However, I just want to hear your thoughts. Would you guys read a sequel?

I don't want you to get your hopes up because I'm telling you that 90% probability that there's three chapters and boom, that's that. Over. Kaput. The End.

I just worry that if I don't quit while I'm ahead then it won't work out.

So don't get excited. I'm not going to do a sequel I don't think. Do you guys think that's the right thing to do? Ack. I don't know.

P.s. I'm at a party tonight! Me! Invited to  party! Woooooooo

-Laura xo

pps. two uploads in like 20 hours because I've been pants lately and you deserve it

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