Chapter Thirty Four

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Chapter Thirty Four

Hiding in my place in the bathroom, I held my thumb up to signal to Louis I was ready. I was lying on the floor on a towel, holding my phone up to the slight crack in the otherwise closed door, ready to start a video.

"Mission a go!" Louis whispered, grinning as he took his practised place on the bed.

I had explained to Louis what had happened downstairs and he agreed that we should teach Niall a lesson that I wasn't just his little doll who would do whatever he wanted. (Even though, let's be honest, I really would do whatever he wanted.) We had come up with a masterplan that would require all of Louis' acting skills.

I started the video as we heard voices down the corridor, and suddenly Niall, Ashton and Harry entered the room.

"Lou?" Niall suddenly looked very concerned at his bandmate who was perched at the edge of Niall and I's bed, his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. He lifted his face when Niall talked, and his face was brilliantly distressed.

"Niall..." Louis trailed off, his eyebrows furrowed and his mouth tilted into a sad frown.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Niall said. He looked around the room, noticing I was missing. "Louis, I thought Emma was with you. Where is she?"

Louis just shook his head; Niall's eyes widened. He finally took in his surroundings. Louis and I had attempted to make the room seem like I had packed in a hurry, some clothes still spread on the floor but otherwise all my belongings hidden under the bed.

"What happened?! Where's Emma?" Niall strode over to my clothes and picked up a t-shirt. He stared at it in his hands before looking angrily back at Louis. "I'm not kidding Lou... What happened?" He growled, his accent now thicker.

"Niall, I couldn't stop her!" Louis' acting was brilliant - he looked really guilty as he stood up and ran his hands through his hair. "She just left! She packed and she said that you were being a dickhead and you grabbed her arm or something and she left!"

Niall was frozen in his spot so Harry spoke up. "What do you mean she left?" He said loudly, also looking pretty worried.

"She left! Went to the airport!" Louis flung his arms up in frustration.

"Shit! It was our fault, we pushed her around!" Ashton looked so guilty, running his hands through his hair.

"She can't leave! I just got her here. I've got to go!" Niall shouted suddenly, still clutching my shirt in his hands. His face was terrified at the fact that I had supposedly gone home, his eyes wide and bright with worry. I would have felt bad if it wasn't so hilarious.

Niall ran around in a circle for a second, like a dog chasing its tail before he stopped and pointed at the door, remembering that was the right direction.

And that was the time for my big entrance, before Niall actually left.

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