Chapter Forty Eight

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Chapter Forty Eight

"Hey babe, you okay?" Niall said, emerging from the bathroom in just a towel. I allowed my eyes to greedily roam his body as he plodded barefoot across the dressing room to grab his clothes.

I made a snap decision not to tell him about my spat with my friends. He would just worry about me, and I didn't want him to feel like it was his fault like I knew he would.

"Yep I'm good." I scrunched my nose up when my voice sounded suspicious. I was such a bad liar I might as well set myself on fire. Niall turned around to eye my face and for once I decided to use my hideous blushing to an advantage. "What?" I narrowed my eyes at his accusing stare. "You haven't got any clothes on..."

Niall blushed now, and hurried to pick up his clothes. "Oops, sorry Em!"

I smirked at my instantly formed plan. "No, no it's fine." I stood up and walked towards him. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion at my mischievous expression. I walked right up to him, and wrapped my arms around his still damp neck.

"What are you doing?" He said, sounding a bit shaky since he was practically naked and I was standing in close proximity to his man jewels.

"Kissing my boyfriend," I said, trying to look as innocent as possible. I leaned forward and grazed my lips against his. The barely-there-touch of our mouths made Niall growl throatily and he let go of his towel so he was only holding it in one hand so he could place a hand on my waist and pull me closer to him. But I didn't let him deepen the kiss like he wanted. I suddenly whipped the small white towel away from around his waist and stepped back, backing away to the door whilst Niall stood there, a hilarious look of shock on his face as he quickly recovered so he could place his hands over his privates.

"Emma! Give me my towel!" He whisper-shouted at me, nodding his head frantically at my hand which was waving his towel tauntingly in the air.

"Sorry Ni, no can do." I winked at him, letting out an evil little cackle. As a second thought, I darted forward and grabbed his clothes from the table as well, before laughing a bit more and turning and running out of the dressing room.


The boys eventually went to find Niall and forced me to give him back his clothes. But only after a lot of laughing and teasing and Louis even managed to snap a photo of helpless, naked, little Niall.

"Can't believe you took my clothes," Niall grinned up at me. We were back in the bunk on the tour bus, and seemed to have got ourselves in a rather heated situation. After some snogging and rolling around I had ended up straddling Niall, sat on his lower tummy.

"It was so funny," I said, chuckling again as I leaned down to peck Niall's pouty lips. Niall hummed in response and cupped my face in his hands so he could keep my head in place. Our lips moved in sync with each other and I revelled in the deliciousness of Niall's mouth. Every time we kissed and even touched I still felt the little tingles in my body that reminded me of how much I loved him.

Niall's hands dropped from my face and wrapped around my back, before sweeping down my sides, tickling me a little and finally resting on my hip bones. I moaned quietly when his grip tightened and I dropped my lips from his so I could attack his neck. Just as I was about to make a mark and Niall was writhing sexily underneath me, my phone rang.

"God dammit," I growled, reaching over to pick up my phone. I was going to silence it but then I saw my home number flash up and shit, I remembered that I hadn't rang my parents ever since I arrived and I knew I better pick up in case they got even angrier. I pecked Niall's lips once more, sitting up again still straddling him as I swiped my thumb across the screen and lifted it to my ear.

"Hello?" I said hesitantly, not knowing whether to expect an angry rant or the 'I'm so disappointed' silent treatment.

"EMMA CHARLESTON!" My mother shouted down the phone. Okaaaaay... Angry rant it was. "How dare you go to America with a boyband! How dare you not tell us what you were up to when you went gallivanting halfway across the world being a little groupie! I am so angry at you right now!" I pulled the phone away from my ear a little because I was starting to feel a little deaf. Niall reached up to place kisses along my jawline which was one of my favourite things that he did but I pushed his head back down to the pillow because my mum actually sounded really pissed.

"Mum I - "I started but she cut me off.

"You've been in magazines! You're all over the internet! You have a famous boyfriend?! How the hell did you think you would get away with this? I can't believe you have gone behind your dad and I's backs! That's it, Emma. You're coming home. I can't believe..."

I pulled the phone away from my ear completely, not wanting to hear the rest. Coming home? No no no no no. I didn't want to go home. I didn't want to leave Niall and Louis and the boys and Luke and Lou and the brilliant life I was having here.

Niall saw my dumbfounded expression and took the phone from my hand, holding it up to his own ear. He scrunched up his nose, causing me to guess that my mother hadn't realised I wasn't listening and was still shouting, now at poor Niall.

I let out an audible sigh and took the phone back just in time to hear my mother saying, "... In America! You're a disgrace, acting like a little slut!"

I didn't bother to listen to the rest I just hung up the phone. I threw it against the drawn curtain and heard it crash to the bus floor.

My own mother called me a slut? Wow. That was a new one. I expected it off the fans and maybe even from my friends but my mum? I thought parents were the ones who were meant to always have your back, not the ones doing the hurting.

I glanced down at Niall, who had a guilty look all over his handsome face, his bottom lip caught in between his lip. I rolled off him, not feeling like it was an appropriate time to be straddling him right now.

"Ems, I'm so sor-" Niall started but I rolled onto my side so I could look at him and clamped my hand over his mouth so he couldn't finish.

"Don't blame this on yourself, Niall. It's fine, seriously don't worry about it." I scoffed inwardly, because I was telling him not to worry about it when I was actually really really worried about it. My mum had never acted like that. I didn't want her to be mad at me, I didn't mean for this to happen.

"I heard what she said at the end," Niall whispered, brushing some hair from my forehead. "I'm so sorry Emmy."

"Niall!" I whined, desperate that he wouldn't blame himself. "Stop acting like this is your fault! It's fine honestly. I'm just tired now and I want to go to bed. I'll deal with it tomorrow." I forced the most convincing smile I could muster onto my face and pecked him on the cheek before rolling over so my back was facing him.

I heard him sigh softly, like he knew I wasn't alright but he dropped it and curled an arm around my waist, his nose nuzzling in between my shoulder blades for a second before he wriggled to get comfortable and finally fell silent.

I listened to him breathing, and when I was sure he was asleep I finally let my tears fall.

I was so happy here. Niall made me happy. Why couldn't anyone accept that?

My friends - I thought they'd at least try and understand. I knew it would be confusing for them. Hell, it was confusing for me! But they got angry at me and then hinted an insult at my boyfriend. That wasn't alright with me.

My parents - I didn't know what to think about them. Out of everybody, I thought they'd be the least likely to call me cruel names and to be angry at me. Turns out I was wrong.

The fans - Oh god, the fans. I thought the abuse would ease off the longer I stayed, but it just seemed to get worse. Day after day there were thousands of tweets about how I wasn't good enough for Niall, or pointing out my flaws, or telling me to go back home where I belonged.

More salty drops fell down my cheeks as I thought about all of this. I felt like I was alone; nobody wanted me here.

Maybe this wasn't the right thing for me after all.


So, I tried to update quickly since I don't think you guys liked the last chapter too much haha.

So hope this was a bit better. Although you can probably tell things aren't going to be all unicorns and rainbows for the next few chapters...
Anybody have any theories on what's going to happen?

I love you.

-Laura xo

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