Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

The first of March appeared as if out of nowhere.

With the help of prank expert Louis, Niall had formulated the perfect escape plan which would allow me to leave the school group and meet up with him instead. I was scared; I didn't like being in trouble and I was almost certain I was going to caught. But at the same time, I was so excited I thought I might burst. Blame it on Louis' bad influence.

So the morning of the school trip, I climbed onto the coach that had pulled up in front of the gates and plopped down on the seat Ben had saved for me.

"Excited to go and see 'The Taming of the Shrew?" Ben said, putting on an extremely posh accent.

"Oh most definitely." I said, copying his accent. My stomach twisted at the lie; if all went perfectly I wouldn't be seeing the play at all.


The coach trip took four hours, and I spent it sharing headphones with Ben and switching between his repulsive heavy metal music and my more normal preferences.

We arrived at the Premier Inn where we were staying around one, and we each took our suitcases to our rooms. Unlucky for me, Sophie had gotten the chicken pox. Yes, she still hadn't had them even at seventeen and had caught them whilst babysitting. This meant that my room for two was now an exciting room for one.

"Tonight's gunna be fun," I muttered grumpily to myself at the thought of an evening alone.

We didn't stay at the hotel long, the coach drove us round London to see some sights before heading to the theatre to watch the play which started at three.

Settled in the velvet purple seats, I fidgeted nervously. My hands were sweaty with anxiety about what I was going to do.

As soon as the lights dimmed I opened a new message on my phone.

'Mission is a go. Give me ten minutes.' I sent to Niall before sliding out of my seat.

"Where are you going?" Ben hissed at me. "The play's just starting!"

"Feeling ill," I lied before disrupting the whole row as I made my way along it to get to the aisle.

"What are you doing, Miss Charleston?" Mr Peeves scowled as if he had always known I was going to be a problem.

"I'm feeling terribly sick, sir. I need to go to the bathroom." I tried to look as ill as I could, but it probably just looked like I'd swallowed a wasp.

"Okay, off you go." Peeves said, ushering me out of his way.

I allowed myself to grin once I'd reached the theatre lobby - I was out.

Louis had pointed out the flaws in Peeves' organised trip. One - there were no female teachers that could go and check on me in the girls' bathroom and two - the play had no interval, which meant I had just over two hours before I'd need to be back with the group. Which equals two hours with Niall.

Adrenaline rushed through me as I ran out into the London air and breathed in the smell of freedom. I shook my head slightly; I couldn't believe it had worked.

My mind kicked in then - I had only two hours so I had to get going. I typed in the address where I was meeting Niall into my google maps app and as soon as it loaded, I was off. I ran through the streets, weaving in and out of important business people talking on the phone and tourists taking pictures. Niall had chosen the café because it was always quiet and it was near-ish the theatre. Needless to say, I was still out of breath when I got to the right street.

I halted for a second as I tried to catch my breath and smoothed my hair down. I was wearing blue skinny jeans and my coca cola vest top with my red vans. Something that I hoped looked right both for meeting up with a popstar and going on a school trip, but also allowed me to sprint through the busy London streets.

As I pocketed my phone, I looked up, about to walk the few metres to the cafe door.

And there he was.


Another chapter for you so soon because I love you and you're awesome and it's literally so surreal to me that you're voting!

I hope you have an awesome day

-Laura xo

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